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  1. Hi Paul, I traded in the C-Max on a 2014 Ford Focus. Same frame I believe but the Focus is a smaller less classy vehicle. Less amenities, not as nice a ride, feels flimsier but I don't have to drive 45 minutes and pay $300 for an oil change like I had to do with my Porsche. Ford dealer is in my small town. I looked up recalls for the Focus. Zero recalls in 2013 and 2014 model years. :) Do I miss the C-Max, definitely. Do I miss all its problems and time spent at the dealer, not at all! C-max was getting 43.2 m.p.g. Focus if getting 28.8 and increasing. Don p.s. I'd love a Tesla!!!!
  2. I "solved" the many software updates/recalls/etc. I was experiencing with my 2013 C-Max SE "Rolling Recall". I traded it in and haven't had to go to the Ford dealer since!!!!!!!
  3. Hi 1acyd, I feel for you. Such a nice vehicle to drive and ride in but so many problems! I was spending more time at the dealer's service department than I care to tell you. After recalls, service updates, a dead battery, and more recalls announced, I decided it wasn't worth my time. I traded my 2013 C-Max SE in for a different model 2014 Ford. In all honesty and not to be nasty, I have to wonder what effect all these problems will have on the value of the C-Max. Something to consider. Don
  4. Gee, do you think the sales slump could have a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g to do with the estimated m.p.g. being overstated by Ford? Or maybe all the recalls on the vehicle are making people stay away because they don't see it as a quality product? Could all the trips to the dealer for "software updates" plus the hours and hours their friends have told them they've spent at the dealer to "fix" the "wrong of the month" with this vehicle? Hmmmmmm.
  5. Does anyone think it's time for someone to initiate a Class Action against Ford to force them to buy back any and all Ford C-Max vehicles IF the owners are sick and tired of all the recalls? The car has become a bad joke and not only that, "Consumer Reports" lists it as one of the four least reliable vehicles! Even if you like your C-Max, can you say "very low trade-in and resale value"? How do we initiate a Class Action suit involving these vehicles? I'd appreciate some info. Thanks.
  6. How many recalls does this make? Anyone know? I've lost track. I've renamed my C-Max "Rolling Recall" and yesterday filed a complaint with the NC Lemon Law. It's a great car but they took it out of the oven before it was done!
  7. I have to say I love my C-Max and Ford has been good about the myriad recalls/problems with the C-Max, it seems to me. Ashley here is very helpful too. This is my first American car in 40 or 50 years and I really do like it BUT, all the recalls! It seems my C-Max is back to the dealer way too much. I had an eye doctor appt. the other morning and the battery was dead. I have officially named my 2013 C-Max "Recall". Would appreciate any info on a vehicle exchange. I've already been told (nicely) by Ford that all these recalls do not qualify for a buy back.
  8. The battery on my 2013 C-Max SE was dead the other morning. Unfortunately I had an appt. with the eye doc that I had to cancel. Ford Roadside came (in about 5 hours)(lucky for me I was home) and trucked it to the dealer. They charged the battery but could find nothing wrong so I'm expecting it to happen again. Car is always garaged. I love this car BUT I am tired of all the trips to the dealer for the many many recalls. If Ford would buy it back from me I'd buy a Focus. Even tried to drive one with my salesman but, guess what? ...... the battery in the Focus was dead when he went to start it. Oi-Vey Ford, what ever happened to Quality being Job #1?????????????
  9. My experience sounds like yours. My m.p.g. increased exactly .1 every time I drove the C-Max; short trips to town and back. I too got up to 43.1 but then it stayed there for four subsequent trips so I thought I was done. As soon as I emailed friends I thought 43.1 was my "max" on my Max, it moved up to 43.2. I think we both may have reached the top but might see one or more .1 increase over time. I am loving this vehicle!!
  10. Mine came today, 10/8/13, via FedEx. I drove my C-Max home on 11/6/12 in North Carolina. Last name begins with a "W". I'm really enjoying my C-Max.
  11. Mine stays on Empower where I always run my C-Max. It will however be on Radio, having changed from the always on AUX, sometimes, when it's started first thing in the morning. Ghosts in the Machine?
  12. Hi, 42.6 m.p.g. in the mountains of western North Carolina. I'm very pleased with the car; how it drives, handles, comfort, solidity. Just had the software upgrade done. Don
  13. Blaming Ford for the mileage discrepancy and not blaming the government (EPA) is like blaming Bonnie but not Clyde, Sacco but not Vanzetti, Leopold but not Loeb. Sorry Plus 3, I too learn from your posts ***********************************************************************. :hat_tip: Mod edited: Attack the issue, not the poster please. If u have an opinion on a poster, take it to the PM and sort it out there. Thank you :)
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