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Everything posted by roninsd

  1. If you're talking about the quarter sized things above (and to left) of driver's head in the ceiling, and passenger's on the other side, they do have to do with the noise cancellation. I think they are the speakers that provide the "white noise" to cancel out the ambient noise. Don't remember where my salesperson said the microphone was.
  2. Laurel, Glad you're enjoying the car. I've had mine for a week now, and it still feels like a new toy! I love driving it, sitting in it, and looking at it! Is that strange? :) Re: Sirius, I've had good luck with past vehicles of calling and canceling the service, and them telling me how much they will miss me, and would I consider signing up if I got 6 months for $20! Cancel again, new offer. Has worked so far. Enjoy the new addition. I am!
  3. So far so good. I love driving this car! Thanks for the welcome!
  4. I saw a C-max commercial, and the idea of an American made/assembled hybrid appealed to me. I started doing research on the web, and then went to a local dealer for a test drive. Loved the car. Kept looking on the web for more information. Finally decided to to make the leap! Got mine home last weekend.
  5. Thanks for the info. That's the question that led me to this forum. Just got my C-Max yesterday, and have just started playing. I'll have to check out your suggestion.
  6. I've seen one at a local community college in San Diego. And then there's the one in my garage that just arrived yesterday! :) Those are the only I've seen off the Ford lot.
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