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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. Not quite. Almost all of those vehicles are still in a "Dealer Ordered" status meaning they've been ordered by the dealer but aren't in stock yet. They are showing only 3 Energis in stock and available for delivery. The other units are still enroute to the dealer.
  2. The 2013 C-Max is on a new platform, the C344 platform. This is the Global C platform which also underpins the current, 3rd generation Focus and new Escape. The hybrid system is also new for 2013.
  3. Congratulations and good job with the MPGs!
  4. Can't you take it off Auto mode, and then press the arrow-to-the-face button?
  5. Yes, the system sounds like its working the way it should if it is set to Auto. If the fan were to come on in the conditions you described, it would be blowing cold outside air into the cabin, the opposite of what you would want. The system will know when its capable of providing warm air, and then will start blowing warmed air.
  6. Here's an interesting chart of how a Prius MPG is affected by the winter vs summer months. With 6 years of data, the mileage varied from 52 mpg in Summer to 42 mpg in Winter https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/523180_4048781410171_629475057_n.jpg
  7. Interesting graph of how the Prius MPG is affected by temperature, 52mpg in Summer, 42mpg in Winter
  8. Maximus

    new to the forum

    Welcome to the forum!
  9. The Prius V looks pretty scary. The Camry received a Poor rating also. Even the Suzuki did better than the Prius V. I think Toyota cut some corners in the structure of the Prius and Camry to save weight. The C-Max weighs 300# more than the Prius V.
  10. See if you can improve on that brake score :-)
  11. This is what the EPA considers "Highway" driving. The EPA highway test isn't a steady speed on the Interstate.
  12. This is what the EPA considers "highway" mileage. It's not driving a constant 70-75 mph. Everyone has there own definition of what "highway" driving is but the EPA makes the rules so they get to choose the definition.
  13. $20 more for full synthetic is not a bad price
  14. Is there an EV+ light that illumiates when its in that mode?
  15. The Prius and Camry don't look very structurally strong compared to the other vehicles tested.
  16. The engine in the CMax is an Atkinson cycle engine and is more efficient than a normal engine like the one in a Focus.
  17. That would be cool if they're adding that screen to the C-Max !
  18. Based on what the EPA posted for their testing procedure, the EPA doesn't consider highway driving as a steady state cruising speed. It might be more helpful if the EPA also included results for a steady state speed of 65mph, but they don't. The EPA must not consider "highways" as wide open interstates, but instead slower roads with lots of changes in speed.
  19. I thought the outside air temp display was added in the previous update (ver 3.2.2) as a selectable on/off feature? I guess the C's are still running the older version?
  20. Whoaaa, no need to go into attack mode, I'm just passing along generally accepted practices from the cellphone industry. CNET: iPhone maintenance: reboot regularly http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-19512_7-10115498-233.html#! iPhone Quick Maintenance Tips: Try to reboot your iPhone regularly, mostly because it works similar to a small computer. Once or twice a week should be sufficient. If there are software glitches this should also be the first place you go. http://www.brighthub.com/mobile/iphone/articles/23121.aspx Samsung Galaxy S3 Restart your phone regularly http://www.s3forums.com/forum/galaxy-s3-os-discussions/2833-restart-your-phone-regularly-2.html There are apps available that will routinely reboot the phone. Here is a poll of over 11,000 Android users, the most common reboot schedule is once per week. How often do you reboot your Android phone? Once a day. 19.95% (2,260 votes) Several times a day. 4.38% (496 votes) Once a week. 42.03% (4,762 votes) Battery pull only when necessary. 28.63% (3,244 votes) A bunch, but I'm a hacker. 5% (567 votes) Total Votes: 11,329 http://www.androidcentral.com/poll-how-often-do-you-reboot
  21. Regularly rebooting cellphones and mp3 players that are connected to MyFord Touch helps ensure that the devices don't cause interoperability issues between the device and MyFord Touch. Those issues could be things like Bluetooth problems, rebooting issues or issues with responsiveness.
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