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Everything posted by SnowStorm

  1. Yikes - 3 clutches, 6 gears (or is it 7 with reverse?), 2 belts and 2 motors. The C-Max has NO clutches, 1 gear (never shifts!), no belts and 2 motors. All that complexity is another example of why "the ICE Age is ending"! BEVs are sooooo simple by comparison. Come on Ford, lets have that Model E with the body/doors of the B-Max and at least 1000 lbs of towing.
  2. Another thing I don't get is why we keep comparing the C-Max to "the Prius" (as if there's only one model) or the Ioniq (a hatchback). For some strange reason the EPA classifies the C-Max as a "family sedan" but I bought it for the body style that is essentially an SUV or "station wagon" type body, not a sedan or hatchback. With that limitation for hybrids, we have only the C-Max, Prius V and now the Niro. Forget "the Prius", the Ioniq, the Accord Hybrid, Maibu Hybrid, Fusion Hybrid, etc. Then forget all those other undocumented and unconfirmed "tests" and look at the EPA ratings: C-Max 40 mpg combined Prius V 41 mpg combined Niro 50/49/43 mpg combined (depending on model)Averages on Fuelly are virtually identical to those above (Niro at about 46). So why keep looking at all those crazy "tests"? It seems there's some unfounded mistrust in the EPA numbers and an even more unfounded belief that some some other "tests" will be better. Yes, there have been a few errors (including Ford!), but the EPA tests are tightly defined and. by far, the best thing going for mileage comparison between models. Of course almost anyone can beat EPA if they want to. At 132k+ miles I'm at 48.7 MPG lifetime average on my C-Max! Its the best car I've ever had!
  3. Way to go, Paul! The Enterprise is "only" at 48.7. Now its time you head for a Lifetime of 50.0 MPG! Run a few tanks at 25 or 30 mph - that should do it. You might even get that record 1000 mile tank I predicted was possible!
  4. Ah-ha .... so that's where the BSFC map is - off the end of the document!
  5. Very interesting document - but no sign of that elusive BSFC map we all want to see!
  6. Sorry, but I still don't give 2 cents for any of these "test reports" - or their "test data". The only two things worth while in comparing cars are: EPA fuel economy ratings Personal test drivesSome specifications are interesting to look at but even those are rather academic compared to ones personal reaction to everything on a good test drive.
  7. Sure you didn't add a gallon sometime along the way? The display will just keep accumulating gallons used until reset - it could read 100 gallons. Or.... have you been boasting about how good your mileage is? Someone might be sneaking some extra gas in there for fun! It has happened! My dad told of a guy way back, like in the '60s, who had a VW bug or such, and kept talking up his great gas mileage so his co-workers started sneaking out and adding a bit of fuel periodically. The guy became ecstatic about how great his mileage was! Now that's a hilarious (and meritorious!) practical joke.
  8. Why would brakes be worn out at 50k miles? (Unless you get 9% score all the time like fotomoto did once!) I'm at 132k and the originals just passed state inspection again about three months ago. Of course a warning light needs to be attended to but be sure you get an honest diagnosis. Too many shops might just see that light and say "oh yeah, need new pads and rotors all around!" I had my rear brakes "fail" inspection a couple of times back at a local garage because of "rust". I went to my tire dealer and the inspector there was nearly livid that someone had failed them (I just went ahead and paid for another inspection). The rear rotors look somewhat streaked and uneven but work fine. Just be sure what is actually at fault gets fixed and not a bunch of unnecessary stuff.
  9. That just about makes me cry. :cry: So sad. :sad: Absolutely maddening! :rant2: What a wonderful little car - and now it will be gone - too bad. If Ford would just make a Model E variant with that body design - just a bit bigger. Way too many "me too" cars out there.
  10. Here's a topic where I measured a bunch of stuff including the fan. 220 watts at full speed - not insignificant.
  11. Well, that's good news! I can see how that fault would be hard to find - no doubt intermittent and, perhaps, never seen before. It would be interesting to know exactly what went wrong with it. Problems like this highlight a big value of this forum - you not only learn about the more common problems but the rare ones as well.
  12. Of course AC is a big culprit but it seems I have a drop in mileage at higher ambient temperatures even when not using AC at all and windows up (just the fan). Is it possible that tires soften enough to increase rolling resistance or that the road surface gets sticky due to hot tar in the pavement? From air density stand point, mileage should just keep going up but I don't think it does. It would be nice to get some data on cold versus hot roads (although concrete shouldn't have the sticky tar problem).
  13. That thing has worried me as our catch has been hard to release unless its kept greased. I've yanked up rather hard at time but it hasn't broken (may be a bit loose though). Will stop doing that now and keep it greased! Totally agree with any rant about lousy design of stuff like this.
  14. Interesting, I had to add some just recently too - I'm at ~130k miles now. I had some Ford Orange concentrated antifreeze and mixed it with distilled water. There were instructions somewhere saying to use the premixed stuff but I didn't have that and my guess is that Ford doesn't want to take a chance on what kind of "water" someone might use. However, I would not use straight 100% antifreeze. You can search online for all the reasons. Seriously, Paul, you might want to get one of those little coolant concentration testers and find out where yours ended up. If too high, you could pull some out and refill with distilled water. Just my thought - don't know how critical it is.
  15. I do mine too - it takes no more time and I know exactly what was done. But I hate the yucky mess and wriggling around upside down under the car. Electric cars aren't getting here any too soon! BTW, anybody considered the "new" Mobil 1 20k mile / 1 year oil? At twice the price it doesn't seem to make sense. The new (?) filter that goes with it (M1-102A) is the same price so I got it since the M1-102 wasn't available at WalMart anyway.
  16. OK folks, the great total solar eclipse of 2017 is almost here! August 21 is the day. This is the one you don't want to miss! Even if you "couldn't care less" about astronomical events, reconsider hopping in that C-Max you love and taking a road trip to the path of totality (but not beyond!). A total solar eclipse is not just something you go to "see", its something you go to "experience" - and its quite like no other. This one goes entirely across the continental US from Oregon to South Carolina crossing over many major cities (first one like this since 1918). Here's the path on NASA's eclipse sight: Eclipse 2017 Interactive Map You want to get your C-Max close to the center line but you certainly don't need to be right on it. The duration of totality for this particular eclipse is about 2 to 2.7 minutes (depends on location) which is quite good. Of course a cloud can block your view so start tracking the weather forecast a week before and have some alternate destinations planned. Below is a sight for more information and where you can buy viewing glasses for the partial phase (before the sun is totally covered). Do not risk eye safety!!! Read up on it and get some certified glasses. eclipse2017.org Anyone else making plans for this awesome event?
  17. Well, I still say, with all its "flaws", the EPA ratings are still the best thing out there by far to compares cars. The comment that "...we devised our own test procedure ... beyond the constraints and complicated math of the government tests." is just a big cop-out. As Paul points out, there are so many variables that are not controlled or even mentioned. I'm pretty much to the point of considering all these articles as so much random noise. As to AC use, there are several things you can do to reduce power consumption (which can vary by more than 10 to 1)! Use recirculate! Very important to not keep cooling hot, humid outside air all the way down to inside temperature. Set the temperature up to about 76. Use only the fastest fan speed necessary (but do use faster fan speed over lower temperature). Close vents that are not blowing on a human (cool people, not the car). With pano roof, close the shade!I frequently use AC with it drawing only about 300 watts!
  18. Yeah, its hard to imagine either of those things getting in there (sorry!). Sure hope it wasn't vandalism - placed just right when parked. So its not possible to get a really good patch from inside the tire or add a tube (don't know if that's even possible with TPMS)? If the patch was reasonably trustworthy you might consider getting a spare. I bought a full size wheel on-line from a wrecking yard and bought a new tire and took them to Nova Scotia a couple years back. Takes up a bit of room but gave a lot of peace of mind. Strapped it down nicely using three of the tie-downs. Then you buy three new tires at replacement time and use one of the old ones as the spare. Only problem with that approach is you have to buy four at once to get the $70 rebate (assuming its available then).
  19. But I'm just hoping the new Model E line-up will have an even better version with under-floor batteries! Enjoy your new car.
  20. Ditto the desire for a fold-flat front seat - I would use that so many times... As to plastics, I don't see why car makers don't spend a little more money on interiors. I know its a competitive market, but really, is the incremental cost for better seats and materials all that great? The interior is what we see, sit on, touch, feel 99% of the time we're around our cars. Way too much attention is given to a cars exterior looks.
  21. The Enterprise just passed inspection at 125k miles with all original brakes.
  22. Several times I have turned on the car and started to turn the wheel but the power steering was obviously not "powering". It has always started working in just a second or two so I've never given it much thought. I have never seen any warnings.
  23. :lol: Awesome! Hey folks, watch for Paul's next video - "How to blow away a Prius V and still get Great Gas Mileage!" (Too bad your camera wasn't rolling at the time!) Nothin' like blowing the carbon out o' the cylinders AND the stale ions out o' the battery! :shift:
  24. No, this post says a 2016 still goes to 85 mph EV.
  25. Well, this news should end, once and for all, the idea that hybrids are wimpy or just for tree-hugger types! I must admit that I never even thought about a hybrid police car - but it makes a lot of sense (and saves a lot of cents!). I wonder if they keep the SOC up relatively high all the time - ready for pursuit mode - and then allow it to go much lower.
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