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Everything posted by SnowStorm

  1. So that's how the Niro got 76 mpg! :lol: :stirpot: As for getting 2 bar accels, I love using Eco CC for an automatic "2 bar burn". If a CC speed was already set and then you stop, you just accelerate manually to 20+ mph, tap resume and Voila, the car goes back up to speed at 2 bars (or close, depends a bit on set speed, I think).
  2. Was away from the garage over the weekend so got a good dose of lousy mileage with winter starts and short trips. After 200+ miles the average was, IIRC, 49.4 mpg. Drove around all weekend making short (~1 mile) trips and after a few days it was down 5 mpg! I had dropped tires to 30 psi because of ice everywhere - didn't help mileage I'm sure, but also had no trouble getting around! Recirc is the way to go, or no heat at all on those very short trips. Heated seats are a big plus. With a heated steering wheel and a heated floor mat one would hardly need cabin heat at all! My snowblower has heated hand grips and they really work but I haven't seen heated floor mats (nor have I searched, yet!).
  3. So, Energi outsells Hybrid for first time in Oct, then again in Dec. Last 3 months of 2016 shows 23% more Energis sold! Now why would anyone pay more for less luggage space? It can only be for that awesome BEV mode! The ICE Age is ending!
  4. An intermittent "floating" value sounds like an intermittent open circuit somewhere - probably a connector. If Ford can't give specific advice, the dealer should check all connectors in the circuit visually, wiggle the wires to try and replicate the problem and then unplug/re-plug each connector. It could be a faulty pin or bad wire to pin crimp. Hope its fixed soon.
  5. Thrilled to see those new jobs in Michigan! As to dropping the C-Max, my prediction is that once all the Model E variants are out, precious few of us will want another C-Max (as much as we like them now). The C-Max was not designed as a hybrid (it was brought over from Europe), and I still think it was a "training car" for Ford to get more experience with electric/battery vehicle technology. If Ford does it right with the Model E, it can benefit from coming out later and stands to be a great competitor to all the other hybrids, PHEVs and BEVs out there. Letting a few other folks go first can be a real advantage during the ramp-up of new technology application. Loosing a few early BEV sales is no big deal since the market is still tiny, especially as compared to what it will be when the ICE Age ends!
  6. Good points - I didn't realize you had to wade through pages of comments after the article to get more details. Some of which are quite telling: Drive down to 25 mph in truck lanes going up mountainsGet off the Interstates and use side roads when possible (means you can drive slower)Serious weather/wind/route planning - as expectedAll good hyper-miler stuff - and they still could have been drafting. They did have a lot of weight but low speed is much more important than low weight. Interesting how they described manually bleeding off charge as you get to the top of a hill so you can recharge going down. That is an (admittedly small) pet peeve of mine - no manual control of SOC. The MPG meter maxing out at 99.9 is rather lame. Of course its not all that important but I really like the C-Max going to 999.9! So again, sounds like a great CUV but would still like to see the full details of route and driving speeds (and whether they drafted the trucks!).
  7. And a one-way trip doesn't count! You have to return to start! :nonono: Guess which way the prevailing winds blow in the continental US - pretty sure its west to east! :redcard: With no details and no documentation you're left with lots of possibilities to game the system: watch the weather and catch the best tail windsselect your route to maximize tail windshave a service truck bring along E0 gasoline for the whole trip - add whatever you like to itdraft the service truck the whole way (they were called hyper-milers as I recall)!drive 33 mph as Paul says (I tested the C-Max at 75 mpg at 35 mph)???Not saying they did this but.....(I pay little attention to these kinds of articles). We'll just wait for the lawsuits when real-world drivers can't get 76 mpg doing 75 mph in real-world "highway" driving! But I do wish the car well! Anything that's out there pushing high MPG is great! :)
  8. SnowStorm repeats, "Eco cruise and Eco Mode are separate", and feels better now! :) Is our world getting too complex for our own good? Forum folks can't agree, the manual is likely wrong, and the guys that wrote all the code have moved on to programming the Model E and have forgotten how it works! (I suppose you've all seen the tire swing cartoon.) At least the car is still fun to drive!
  9. Naysayer Alert! - Naysayer Alert! The ICE Age is ending! [ Or maybe not - :sad: - there may always be folks who prefer to pump smelly gasoline, change their engine oil, etc just so they can hear a battery and electric motor crank-crank-crank the archaic thing to life.... :lol: .... gotta love the nostalgia! ] Here's the University of Bristol article and the SuperCapacitor Materials site, makers of the electrolyte. The University article says the new capacitors would make it "possible to recharge your mobile phone, laptop or other mobile devices in just a few seconds." For cars, they say recharging will "take just a few minutes to perform." You won't recharge your electric car in "a few seconds". In fact, a 60 kWH recharge in 10 minutes will need a 350 kW charger! But wait! That's exactly what BMW, Volkswagen and Ford(!) are doing in Europe! That's almost 3x more power than a Tesla Supercharger! 400 chargers going in next year and 1000s by the end of the decade. They just better bring that system to the USA! Range anxiety? What's that? :shift:
  10. So, can you set ECO Select OFF and ECO Cruise ON? If not, I would be mad - along with no more Lifetime stats, Ford isn't trying very hard to get me to trade up to a new model!
  11. I'm rather addicted to cruise control in general and use ECO mode almost exclusively. ECO seems to stay in EV mode longer, automatically hyper-miles a bit as you go up and down hills, and provides a more gentle acceleration when going back up to speed. I especially like this last feature where, after a stop, you accelerate manually to 20+ mph, tap Resume, and the car accelerates smoothly (about "2 bars") back up to speed - really nice. Non-ECO is much too fast. About the only time I use non-ECO is on hilly roads with moderate to heavy traffic where I don't want to mess up traffic flow with the speed changes. Most folks would just drive manually under these conditions but, as stated, I'm addicted! As to coasting in neutral, I rarely do it since you always have to shift back to Drive to apply brakes, else you will use friction brakes only - certainly not efficient!
  12. Shouldn't be a problem - they lost a lot more on each EV1 they crushed! :stirpot: (But I do hope they sell well - it looks like a very nice car.)
  13. Get one from JC Whitney! :lol: I could certainly go for one if I can get over Chevrolet crushing the EV1s :rant: But I'll be waiting for the other folks to bring out their EVs. :waiting: At 200+ miles the range issue is, IMO, solved for local driving, but to date, Tesla has the only 'solution' for long distance. The ICE age is ending! :happy feet:
  14. Paul, Are you sure MADMAX was actually turned off during that stop? (We left The Enterprise on once, sitting in the garage. I kept hearing this humming sound every so often for 30 seconds or so - finally found it was the car keeping the battery charged!) I have hit that 35+ mph point numerous times in EV, and there goes the ICE, starting up whether I wanted it to or not. I'll have to try some short stop scenarios and see if I can ever get to 40+ in EV. Or maybe its just a software bug - or that crazy battery recalibration/maintenance thing.
  15. Well, well, bikes mike terrible boattails! Which reminds me - I need to get to work on one for The Enterprise.
  16. Well, I didn't say "people really want expensive, short range and slow-to-charge electric cars" - just "electric cars". (Of course price, range and charge times need to improve.) But most people don't yet know they want an electric car because they haven't experienced one yet. Its like the "no shift" transmission in the C-Max - I had no idea how nice it would be until I had one for a while. Or how nice it really is to sit in a traffic jam (!) with everything running except the ICE. Some things have to be experienced before you realize you really want them. We're in a transition period. There's a lot of ICE - it will take a long time to melt! Autonomous cars will bring many more "driving" scenarios - and many of these (short trips, waiting in queues) will be far more suited to electric propulsion - either pure or hybrid. Or with wireless charging or an auto-connect capability, it can go off during the day, get charged and then come back and get you. The cars can move in and out of charging station automatically so chargers never sit idle. With auto-charge at home you will soon completely forget about "fueling" your car - or changing the oil!. One car can take several family members to work and school - try that for cost savings... Oh no - just woke up - must have been dreaming - still chained to the gas pump - still a slave of big oil - didn't have "insider" insight....
  17. That's why we want pure electric - it doesn't get any simpler than that!
  18. People really want electric cars! Its the end of the ICE age.
  19. I would agree with Scott in that your issue is unlikely due to leaving the climate controls on. But make sure your car has had CSP-15B04 done on it.
  20. Ah... you've caught The Enterprise on Lifetime MPG! I'd better get some grill covers and wheel pants, pump those tires back up, go to 0W-20 (its time to change) and, oh yes, build that inflatable boat tail! But on EV percentage you beat me soundly at 50%. The Enterprise is only at 42%. Too much stellar dust I guess!
  21. Its always been my understanding that EV miles is with the ICE off - that is, "pure EV".
  22. Nice job! Thanks for generating and sharing these results. Modern ICEs have certainly come a long way from the fixed mechanically generated adjustments for spark advance based on RPM and vacuum! Looking forward to the E0 test, SS
  23. Well, about a week ago The Enterprise did something that spooked me out and it sounds a bit like what you're talking about here. I was driving with ECO Cruise at a slow speed (maybe 35 mph) and noticed that the battery was charging right to the top of the bar with ICE continuing to run. Normally it would stop at about 85% indicated SOC maximum. The EV "box" on the Empower screen stayed way down at about 1/4 bar with the car using about 1/3 bar at that low speed. It just kept running the ICE and charging the battery even though there would normally be plenty of charge to drop into EV - but it didn't. I finally kicked off CC and it went into EV and proceeded to discharge normally. It was night, flat country, about 70F and I had gone through several spots with water over the road from recent flooding so was a bit worried. I then managed to get it to do it again and, as before, it just went on charging with the EV box staying down at 1/4 bar and ICE running on. Then suddenly I saw the EV box jump to 1.5 bars or so and the car went into EV as it should. I had the computer along so fired up Forscan but didn't see anything abnormal (of course everything was functioning normally now). So, was this event: Some kind of recalibration as discussed above? Some weird bug that only happens if you're driving with CC at slow speed / low power? The result of driving through some shallow water several times? (I doubt it) Something that happens after 100k miles to encourage you to get a new car? A new EV- mode? ????An aside: the last water crossing had folks stopping traffic to explain the situation and let one direction go at a time. While talking to the young man he asked if I had an electric car as he heard no engine running!
  24. O wow! Looks like a new record both for miles/tank and MPG on the whole tank! :congrats: As to flying solo, my high mileage runs were when I had opportunity to go alone. You have to admit, the Hypermiling Hybrid Hobby is hardly a spectator sport - neither for passengers nor those behind us!
  25. I guess that would be "moderator" - not sure about that commitment but thanks for the vote!
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