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Everything posted by armoredsaint

  1. i already had to somewhat force the 20 LED to fit, that looks even harder to get in there unless you know how to remove the mirror etc
  2. nope, no errors - i believe it happens on the taillights??? the LED seems about 80% as bright.
  3. So I finally got around to installing my Yellow/Amber LED's last night for the turn signals and it's not as bright is the OEM incandescents, so I swapped it back out. Just an FYI. OEM Bulb
  4. good to know! i always wondered when i saw it wipe i thought i had turned it on.
  5. i'm rocking 35-36 myself in "real-world" driving with no babying, feathering go pedal or riding the brake for long periods of time. plus i run the AC a lot, 75+mph and idle my car, i don't hold back. :rockon:
  6. i was surprised they didn't have this either - mainly for security like some punk pouring things inside.
  7. LOL I think those are tissues for nose, not bathroom tissues :lol:
  8. be careful, it should be easy to come out - again i don't know what the engineers were thinking with this odd ball design to hold the lenses in there.
  9. why would you punish yourself? the seats and driving position is terrible. ;) the cheap center console or bridge as they call it is rattling plastic, worst was the road and wind noise. i had a prius for a few months until it got totaled by a DD :rant:
  10. it's a weird design, it's not your typical way to get it out - iirc you need a longer screwdriver type blade and push on the side and it pops out easily.
  11. like others have said, performing scheduled maintenance, it's annoying as hell and comes at the wrong time. mine after 5500 miles has done it twice now. but you can still drive away without any of the display controls.
  12. i've been having issues with my liftgate also, even after with the update - yeah it's frustrating with even the dealer not knowing what to do.
  13. interesting...i will see if mine is the same, or maybe it's butt dyno ;)
  14. of course i know that, my Jeep and other cars are the same way ;)
  15. i didn't know that, i just thought it was the software update...but i guess mine is mechanical now - thanks.
  16. Anyone else have problems with it opening even after the update? It happened about twice so far, tonight especially was annoying. Used the remote, I heard it click to unlock but it wouldn't go up. Hit the remote a few more times and nothing, used the button on the hatch and nothing. After about 3 tries I had to manually open it. POS... :doh: :rant:
  17. i'll be the first guinea pig to get the update :happy feet:
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