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Everything posted by armoredsaint

  1. my BMW had that also, never used it as I thought it was silly. i wish there was a bigger cut-out on the sides of the console for my USB cables etc...
  2. take a look at the touch screen to double check - i have a weird glitch in mine where it doesn't sync/correspond to the physical buttons and touchscreen on AC. like others have said, check the fuse on your manual. yeah it sucks not to have AC. i had a new company car i just picked up in 2009 nissan altima and the ac give out in less than 500 miles, because of metallic particles in the compressors, lines etc., it was a "known" issue and the whole thing took 2 days to replace because the dash had to be ripped out too. it was 100 degrees F and i was in a suit too. :drop:
  3. did you press the A/C on button and to LO position? ;)
  4. I'm a lot more aware of my surroundings than that - did you drink before the game when you drove? ;)
  5. funny you mentioned that, i was pushing on it last night - i noticed the drivers doesn't have it. how about take a hammer to it and report back your results ;) :confused:
  6. be-careful who you're ordering from Amazon and double check the ship date, some of them are from China and it's 3-4 weeks. Not worth it. I have Prime and ordered some other stuff with it to full fill their Add-on program gimmick.
  7. when i replaced my license plate lights to LEDs, I noticed a very slight dent on the hatch door also - no sign of scratches either, make me wonder if it was done at the factory or even dealership which happens.
  8. maybe you can cut your mullet now? just kidding - congrats ;)
  9. i just ordered these yellow 20-SMD LEDs and maybe try to swap out the turn signals on the mirror too,
  10. nice find, now i don't remember if i even have an account or re-create one
  11. in Europe you can roll them back up holding the lock button on the Audis
  12. i wonder if it times-out after 30 mins or so also?
  13. honestly i with the DRL's are in the highbeams so I can switch it out to LED's.
  14. it is brighter but keep in mind it's cool white in the higher Kelvin range compared to the OEM incandescent iirc some people perceive brightness differently. ETA: i also did the license plate bulbs too, but in 5 led instead of 20 - don't want it super bright for people to see :hysterical:
  15. I thought I had to remove the lenses, but it's easier than that. Angle the mirror up and to the side, you can see the soft rubber plug, pull it out with long needle nose pliers on the rubber part, not the wires - replace bulb, double checking for correct polarity and insert back into socket with pliers. Just that easy :rockon: I used a 20 LED bulb http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006R34PB4/ref=oh_details_o02_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  16. the light sensor is definitely not very sensitive, even close to 8:30pm EST on a clear day in Ohio it's not on yet.
  17. looks good! looks like you got the auto parking feature? just curious, why for such a small car?
  18. really? it seems like the same for all other cars i've owned. what was your previous car?
  19. it's annoying, it failed me when i was at homey d with mulch on both hands and kicked and backed up, then nothing and had to kick again. kind of embarrassing.
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