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Hybrid Member
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Everything posted by valkraider

  1. Found a super secret complimentary electron source. :)
  2. Only lawyers win when there is a class action lawsuit.
  3. Turn on the A/C. You ride around with a 110 degree interior? But then again, that's why I left the south....
  4. Honda advertises (with an annoyingly stupid ad campaign) their collision avoidance system I think in the new Accord, where the car detects something and helps the people stop, and they look in the back seat at their kid... Ford could put in a similar system where if it detects a rapidly approaching object it doesn't put up the regen threshold display or something like that. Although in the rainy season here I have enough tree debris coating my car after a single week that I get phantom beeps from the C-Max bumper radar deals that I probably wouldn't trust something more important to work in leaves, sleet, snow, dust, or mud...
  5. The battery is vented to the vehicle interior. Unless you bake yourselves, the battery will be reasonably comfortable.
  6. I've done it. It switches in and then out again. :)
  7. It learns where you live or park regularly, and when you het close yo those places It allows the battery to drain a little bit more than usual providing just a tad more electric range and power - knowing that you will be stopping soon.
  8. 7 hours for a double feature? That's barely one point five Hobbits...
  9. Make sure to call Ford about this. This is way way wrong on a new vehicle. Also - if you can, call Ford roadside assistance and let them come "jump-start" you. Maybe the more exposure Ford gets about this the sooner they will act.
  10. We spent about 4 hours driving around looking at Christmas lights. They were fine for us... We are 5'10". My only complaint so far is the passenger seat height is not adjustable.
  11. We haven't tried a really tight space yet. Really, with the backup camera it's super easy to do it ourselves...
  12. Whatever you celebrate, have a good one! Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukah! Happy Kwanzaa! Merry Festivus! Happy Holiday (R'amen.) Merry day-off-work! Have a totally good day! Everyone here is awesome (even when they're not)!
  13. One slow and steady kick opens mine. If I kick too fast it will just unlock and need two kicks to open.
  14. This. No matter what the dealers want people to think - this is still a mass produced Ford compact car. Ford *needs* this to sell well, and catch Toyota. This is not a rare car, a collectors car, a limited run car, or anything close. It's just new to the USA - that's all. They need numbers on these badly, there is no reason to accept any type of "these are hard to get" stories. If you get that find a new dealer...
  15. Same with us. Compared to some of the stories here I think out dealer was pretty good. I paid way less than many people here, even less that Costco or XPlan. Only a 10 minute phone call negotiation. Our order was picked up quickly, we got a VIN quickly, it was built on time and shipped quickly, and we got it only two days later than the original estimate and only 6.5 weeks total. Although it felt like longer while we were waiting...
  16. They can't be self serving over-estimates if they are what the EPA test results are. The tests are the tests. If the EPA certifies the numbers then they are what they are, blame the tests that the EPA designed and that Ford is required by law to use and post on the car. I don't know what to tell you about your spreadsheets. But it is a well known fact that hybrids have far not variation in fuel economy numbers than regular ICE vehicles because the EPA tests don't push the hybrids the way real people will. There are only so many ways to spin this. If Ford messed up the numbers - then complain. But if the EPA certifies Ford numbers then the problem is with the tests and what they are designed to test - not with Ford. The simple fact is a hybrid will do very well on a test which averages 48mph and doesn't go more than 10 miles. But that doesn't reflect how regular people use the car. I and many others have pointed out that if they really wanted to test the hybrids they need to move at sustained real world highway speeds (perhaps 70mph) for at least 30 miles. What I would prefer is the addition of a simple graph showing fuel economy at various sustained speeds. They could add one test which runs 30 miles at a sustained speed, and do it for 4 different speeds. 45mph, 55mph, 65mph, and 75mph. Then show the graph with 4 bars reflecting the sustained fuel economy. Do that in addition to the current tests, and put it in the window sticker too. In the C-Max Hybrid I could easily drive 48mph for 10 Miles and get over 50mpg. Edit: I wish the forum admin would enable TapaTalk. The mobile web entry is flaky...
  17. Every vehicle and motorcycle forum on the planet has this thread, and the debate never ends.
  18. It is helpful in an urban environment. Just not on a busy street. We are in an urban environment, not all streets are busy. All Our side streets are just perfect for park assist. The main streets will be tricky if there is a lot of traffic. The system just can't do it as fast as a human. It easily takes twice as long...
  19. Park Assist is pretty cool. We have lots of experience parallel parking - and with the rear-view camera it's pretty easy. Still, I wanted to play with Park Assist. Tonight we messed around with it. It works well. But it is no good for busy streets. It is too slow, and makes you pull pretty far ahead of the spot which means on a busy street people will come right up behind you and then you can't park. On a not busy side street it works great. FYI: Our dealer warned us about two things: 1. It needs a curb. If there is no curb it will just drive onto the grass and never straighten out. 2. It will not work next to a lifted truck or high box truck (like a Penske moving van or similar). Th sensors won't see the truck because its too high and the sensors can't find the bumper...
  20. According to reading I have been doing, MFT 3.5.1 update should improve the background noise issue.
  21. We have not really done any highway driving yet. Someone else may have to look in to that maybe, not only do we not usually do much highway driving - within 20 miles of my house most freeways have 50 or 55 mph speed limits. :) Also, as a nit-pick: it is hybrid or Energi. They are both C-Max. This will be more important after the new year when Ford starts selling the Fusion Energi.
  22. I am wondering how the Mayans accounted for time zones. Is the world already ended for Australians?
  23. The car is very quiet itself... It has to be something with the noise canceling system and hands free phone use...
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