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Everything posted by jzchen

  1. Welcome to the forum! I use www.car-part.com to find used parts such as this, (if you aren't aware of this site already that is).
  2. jzchen


    The car applies regenerative braking and then towards complete stop applies the physical brakes. The owner's manual notes that a squealing sound may be a sign of worn brake pad linings. I'd check or have them checked out. Sorry to read about the undisclosed damage. Those are significantly large. Do you think it possibly occurred during transport to you? Sometimes pulling a fuse or disconnect a cable to the 12V battery gets the system to work properly again. (I remember this from experience with Sync 2. I hope it's the same for your Sync 3).
  3. jzchen


    Welcome and congratulations on your purchase! We did not baby our C-MAX Energi when we had it. Still gave great mileage. I hope the elevated seating position and excellent headroom gives you comfort that your Soul did not.
  4. Welcome to the forum! Sorry to read of your issue. Quite a unique predicament, can you remove the visor and see if everything goes back to normal with it removed?
  5. There is a Philips X-Treme Ultinon H1 bulb, but it is not road legal (at least in the ECE), which is because it doesn’t perform well.
  6. jzchen

    2017 energi

    Sorry it’s somewhat late but welcome to the forum!
  7. Amazing how lowering and wheels makes the car look so much more sporty! (Oh, and the nice tint). You didn’t add a wide body kit did you?
  8. Hi, and welcome to the forum! (Do you happen to be a transportation/automotive lighting guru that I know from another forum)? I agree with @cr08. Ford has a fix for battery drain issues on '13 models, which was the model year we had owned. It included some form of firmware/software update, plus wrapping some tape around the rear door harness (that I can somewhat remember). I hope that they still offer to fix it for free, as it's a known issue for that model year. EDIT- I don't know if/think you lose your radio presets, maybe the current radio station. (Or am I confused with another vehicle)?
  9. @cmax-teri Sorry to read of your troubles with Sync 3. I could only dream of the improvements they'd possibly make from 2, which we had, to the 3 on yours. I found the value charge worked flawlessly for our '13. If you plug in after the time set it would still charge. We "upgraded" our Energi to a '18 Honda Clarity PHEV. If you pass the exact minute set for value charging and plug it in, nothing will happen. 5 year older Ford technology wins hands down.
  10. Welcome to the forum! I did some Googling and found this thread from long ago: https://fordfusionhybridforum.com/topic/9023-doesnt-start-and-throws-dtc-c46b86/ Looks like you might have trouble starting sometime in the near future. How's the 12 V battery condition?
  11. I can't remember the order I connected the terminals, but if at all possible connect the + terminal first, prior to the -. It's less likely to spark.
  12. When I changed the battery in our C-MAX Energi (which I'm afraid is no longer with us) I had difficulty finding the correct size. I ended up driving 20 - 30 miles away to get it, I believe size T5. I brought a small inverter and battery charger with me and was charging it on the way home. By the time I reached home it was fully charged, before installing it into the car. I hadn't ever done that before, usually just take and install. I used ForScan to reset the battery life, it took me a couple of days to figure out how to reset it....
  13. I agree, but to put the three known good old injectors in, and see how the car runs with one new injector. If worse than with the 19.8 Ohm one you somehow got incompatible or defective injectors.
  14. I actually didn't see this note about the move. So I freaked out that the site was taken down for good. I come here, basically look for new spam posts, and then click spammer. I find it interesting the last one had one single post, which was obviously advertising, and I even debated spamming him/her if that's the correct term. My guess it's an actual person slipping through the cracks....
  15. Wendy- Welcome to the forum! I am sorry to read about your mother's discomfort in the C-MAX. First thing I would do is check/adjust the tire pressures, (remember to do this preferably in the morning after the car has sat overnight). There is a label on the driver door jamb that gives Ford's recommended pressures. Make sure they weren't inflated high by the previous owner to increase MPG. If I recall correctly the recommended pressure for front and rear on our '13 Energi was 38 PSI. I personally found that the ride was quite comfortable at that pressure. My mother is really short, maybe 4' 10" or 4' 11" I'm guessing. (My parents drive a '12 Prius v, and I feel the ride is much harsher in that car (with 17 inch wheel option) than the C-MAX). I noticed that both my parents were using seat cushions I guess to make themselves more comfortable. Originally they were simple household cushions, but I eventually bought them automotive specific cushions. Whenever I sit on them they are very plush and soft. This is the one I bought more recently for my mom available at Costco if I'm not allowed to post a link: https://www.costco.com/type-s-gel-seat-cushion-with-comfort-gel-technology-2-pack.product.100681310.html Seems like it's a 2-pack now, when I bought it they came sold individually. There's also a combined seat bottom cushion and lumbar/back cushion: https://www.costco.com/type-s-comfort-gel-seat-cushion-and-lumbar-cushion-set.product.100500169.html While they may inhibit use of seat heaters (if your car came with that option) I think this may just solve your problem....
  16. That makes sense. I completely agree. But shouldn't the Hybrid be 2 years/10k miles whichever comes first? EDIT- Actually, or the Energi should be 1 yr/20k miles whichever comes first....
  17. For the Avatar: Again select your user name in the upper right. Under Content there is: Profile - Select that. Once it opens your profile page towards the upper left there is your generic picture with a little box in the lower left. Select that and upload your pic/avatar per one of the choices.
  18. Not sure if I've ever seen a user guide. For Followed Content as mentioned click your user name on the upper right corner. Under Settings there's a Manage Followed Content. There should be a list of followed threads, to the right there's a Change Preference, select that. There are four choices there. If you prefer the first one there is a link just below it "Change how notification is sent" which gives many choices to choose. I haven't tinkered with it much so not sure how the system responds.... There are many options to choose from there.
  19. Looked this user up and already flagged as spammer.
  20. Anyone try vacuuming the mic? We have some smoke alarms in the house, that started falsing over time. If I didn't vacuum them annually they'd cause a ruckus!
  21. I followed the manual's replacement interval on our ex-Energi. It did not look anything close to that, it was much cleaner. That mesh covering's an excellent idea. Looks like an animal set up a nest in there...
  22. Just an FYI but I believe that company has a website www.tema4x4.com. It looks to be the Russian company. It does seem to have better pricing than the German one...
  23. To be honest I would try to follow the manual just as it says, 1 year or 10k mi, whichever comes first. Still scratching my head about the Energi noting 2 years or 20k miles. I would think the Hybrid could go 2 years or 10k miles...
  24. Not in our C-MAX but in my '14 Scion iQ. When I trigger it with my Autel tool it doesn't respond. Eventually the tool times out with "Failed". Mileage on that car is right around 16k miles, low for a failure as I understand. I did buy it used in '17 so not sure what happened to that one sensor. The rest respond fine. (My wife traded our '13 Energi for a '18 Honda Clarity in 2018 and the sensors were fine, at around 60k mi if I recall correctly).
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