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Everything posted by ptjones

  1. I assume you being funny, because I'm getting much better MPG's than my Daughter's 2012 Prius in my 2013 CMAX SEL and much nicer car. IMO? Paul
  2. Can't wait to try out my mods on it.? I'm hoping to improve MPG's by 5 to 10 mpg. Paul
  3. For New CMAX Owners this thread is for giving you an idea what is possible to get Gas Mileage wise using the MPG Mods and Driving techniques to improve your Gas Mileage. Go to Post #1 and watch 3 You Tube videos that explain what to do to improve you Gas Mileage. Yesterday I drove to Atlanta and back (90 Miles) on I-85 and I-20 and averaged 55 mpg going up and 56 mpg coming back on the Smart Gauge even with temps in the low to mid 50*F using the info from the videos. As you will see improving MPG's can be fun.? Paul
  4. Just talked to my Dealer and he said that they have pricing info but still can't order plugin. He's checking with District Manager to see when he can order one and get back to me. Paul
  5. Keep track of your gas mileage to see what the difference is. Paul
  6. I don't think my K&N filter improved MPG's, but it did improve acceleration. IMO Paul
  7. Energy Savers are very quite when new, I believe most tires are when new. ES just gradually get noisier, best to rotate often by crisscrossing them to change the direction of rotation. Paul
  8. It's been awhile, filled up today and got 53 mpg actual Fuelly mpg, Smart Gauge said 54.1 mpg with 652.5 miles/ 12.3 gallons used. I had driven up to Knoxville and back, 500 miles and Smart Gauge had 52.4 mpg and 152 miles local driving to get average up to 54.1 mpg. I did about 70% extended drafting and I wasn't in a big hurry with temps 45-65*F. So with 245k miles on the Odometer I'm still getting great MPG's.?What a Great Car. Paul
  9. I believe the Hybrid RAV 4 has a smaller NiH HVB and apparently it uses more of the HVB than the CMAX by a little. Going downhill regen now I can get upto 70% SOC and down to 32% SOC in EV. The difference is you can go upto 2 miles+ in EV Mode in a CMAX from a start and get to 50 mph before running out of HVB. Paul
  10. I don't know where they get their pricing from, Dealers don't have it yet. Paul
  11. A plugin FEH would be pretty close to TC in weight and the Hybrid system has more low end torque. This doesn't matter if they come out with one. I think your 6 foot RC Boat would fit in the back of an Escape diagonally in the back. Still would only be able to take two people. Paul
  12. They did warranty the bad ones anyway, I've got one. To me it seems the one bearing that failed wasn't heat treated right causing them to fail. IMO Paul
  13. I was referring to New FEH which has very good acceleration. :) Paul
  14. Marc, I have 146k miles on my second trans with 234k miles total. :) I don't know how much further I can go, but it keeps on going. Made a quick trip to AZ and back, 3500 miles last week. It would seem that they could put the same components from FEH into a TC. Paul
  15. I looked the OM and I consider it border line useless as far as the Hybrid goes. :sad: They should have carried over the CMAX/FFH display so there wouldn't be any learning curve. It's strange that there is no info on the Hybrid Display and what it means. Any Hybrid info is about Hybrids in general.You Tube video would be nice. Paul
  16. I used my ScanGaugeII and watched the SOC which was interesting in that it would charge quickly up to 66% SOC and motors have more power to accelerate quickly and maintain high speed. Not sure what percentage of HVB is use able. At this point I don't know the most efficient way to drive this car yet, it's going to that awhile to learn. :headscratch: The regen seems to be more aggressive and I wasn't able to watch WT too much, but I didn't see it get up to operating temps. The only way to get the Heads Up Display is by getting the Moon Roof, a $2000 option, definitely not a must have option. :sad: Without Moon Roof and Special paint the price is $33,400 for the top of the line Titanium option. I also got the OM to check out. Still no info on Plugin. Paul
  17. I took the FEH Titanium for a ride on the FWY without Hypermiling, but under speed limit some of the time. I'm trying to figure out how the displays work which are vaguely similar to CMAX. Not as much Hybrid info as 2013 CMAX. Got 39.9 mpg's for 13.7 mile trip and I know I can do better when I figure out everything. The back space is 6" wider and about 8" longer than CMAX. I would say cabin noise is simiar the CMAX. Steering is very responsive. Paul
  18. I will be driving Escape Hybrid tomorrow on the FWY and I will be able to see how it does. Window sticker: http://www.windowsticker.forddirect.com/windowsticker.pdf?token=e%2FmJ6576sokGzeOn3GfIHIb06Ex4RMUZQQvbRYoa%2BYTepqA86DETYu29OKbxNfkxzPpKiBx%2Fq4HUKZwzSQRdKFY6O22a9EwUg30KIKNATp1Zv1MQEVzeoeIpu0wRyhvyN4vLJUh8Jm1B%2FRDdv0hrdXuAkTTmTkHvPe5HMn1FuzM%3D Paul
  19. Toyota RAV4 Hybrid has a Nickel/Hydride HVB. Paul
  20. Brakes are pretty aggressive, touchy compared to CMAX and regen slows the car down pretty fast. I drove the car at night, limited what I could see. Paul
  21. Well I took a test drive in a 2020 FEH Titanium White and got 56 mpg / 3 miles city. The Display isn't user friendly and is going to take sometime to get use too. It accelerates very good, spun tires on wet road and EV seems stronger than CMAX. Handling was close to CMAX and the BridgeStones Ecopia 225/55-19 were set at 33 psi and Max is 40 psi. kind of low compared to Michelin ES 51 psi Max. Heated steering wheel and seats. They want me to come back and test it on the FWY tomorrow, 45 min. each way we will see. Any body interested in anything special I need to look for? Paul
  22. To me it would seem to make sense to have a small battery jumper and stop worrying about the battery. If it goes down just jump it, takes a minute to do and you are off to the races. :) Paul
  23. I think the new 2021 RAV4 Plugin Hybrid is ugly IMO. I will look at the tires on the FEH when it comes in. Paul
  24. Got window sticker from Dealer for 2020 FEH Titanium which they should have within a week. :) I Drove an ICE 2020 Escape SEL with 1.5L 3cyl ECOBoost, it has good acceleration, doesn't handle like my CMAX and the brakes are touchy. Paul
  25. It seems quiet a long time ago someone used a Solar Powered Charger to keep the 12v batt. charged by connecting it to 12v batt. in the back. This could be a cheap solution to your problem. Found this thread, pretty neat. http://fordcmaxhybridforum.com/topic/3587-5w-solar-charger-to-keep-the-12v-battery-fully-charged/?hl=solar Found these on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=solar+battery+trickle+charger+12+volt&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIwsSwtYf55QIVApSzCh1KYAZhEAAYASAAEgJ-5_D_BwE&hvadid=241656089917&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9010901&hvnetw=g&hvpos=1t1&hvqmt=e&hvrand=2068681012409707643&hvtargid=kwd-308865809253&hydadcr=7834_10379869&tag=googhydr-20&ref=pd_sl_ouy8pmurt_e and on ebay: https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=trickle%20charge%20solar%20panel Paul
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