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Everything posted by Spitinuri

  1. I have to agree with you. One of the things I thought was more of a novelty was the power lift-gate and the kick sensor. After owning the car for about a month I have to say that I use the PLG all the time. I constantly have my hands full and it saves me each and every time. :)
  2. Spitinuri

    cmax (220x165)

    From the album: New

  3. First tank trying for 600+ miles. This was mostly highway miles. My average speed was 57-60mph.
  4. This is a better image. This was my trip Sept 24th 2013 from Sedalia, MO to Columbia, MO
  5. This trip was from Sedalia, MO to Columbia, MO. I used mostly Eco cruise at 57 mph. Tires at 46 psi. The road is rolling hills up and down. I am impressed. This is my first trip with the firmware update. 54.4 mpg for 69.1 miles.
  6. Spitinuri


    From the album: New

    My best long trip so far
  7. Spitinuri


    From the album: New

  8. Spitinuri


    From the album: New

    46psi, 57-60mph
  9. My Prius had a screen I could access for maintenance. It helped me feel I was a little more in control. I guess I will trust the Ford but I wish there was an update to sync which would display this information.
  10. <script type="text/javascript">var version=2; var webServer="";</script> I was told that with the I-Phone you have to go to either an Apple store or the phone company (ATT, Verizon etc.) to have them turn on a feature (that only they can do) which will allow text to speech on the display screen of the C-Max. Has anyone done that?
  11. I just traded in my 2004 Prius for a used C-Max Sel. It had 18K miles on it and the lifetime average was 35mpg. I reset it.... new driver and all and have some observances. I tried driving 57-60 mph and felt I was struggling to get 41-42 mpg (all highway miles). I drove 70 mph last evening as felt I easily got 44.2 mpg over 90 plus miles. I have only driven around 500 miles with the car so far. I think once I get the tires inflated to my liking and put some Mobil 1 0W-20 synthetic in I should be able to get around 45 mpg with little difficulty I am glad there is a good forum started. I thought PriusChat was an excellent source of information about my Prius. I am hopeful that this site, as it develops, be similar.
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