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Everything posted by Kelleytoons

  1. I think the OP was saying there is an Eco mode on the 2016 which is not available on any other models, and it's this that slows things down. Eco Cruise is a completely different beast.
  2. That was the thing that first put me off on hybrids. I drove a friend's Prius for a week and the very first day I nearly got killed as our development comes directly out onto the highway with cars that never slow down, so you need to basically accelerate immediately up to 60. I tried that and was at about 30mph when the first wave of cars beared down on me, swerving and blowing their horns. I literally could have been killed because the Prius just didn't do anything. It was so unlike any other vehicle I've ever driven I was amazed, and chocked it up to "hybrids". So when I took the test drive in the C-Max I couldn't believe how responsive it was. So I guess that's the price you pay -- less mileage than the Prius, but a car that's a whole lot safer (and more fun!) to drive. Sad to hear they included such a mode on the last model year but that's what happens when you don't understand your market (or your car -- Ford just never quite *got* it with the Max).
  3. Hmmm, wonder why they just didn't call it "Prius Mode"?
  4. Ah, that is probably why I don't even know about the popups (I'm running an ad blocker, the best one out there). I run several forums and do not have any ads so it's quite possible to have them without ads (and even affordable). Then again, I'm not trying to make money off of them.
  5. Battery problems are the Max's achilles heel, so to speak. Hopefully this is a one-off situation for you, but make sure you have ALL the suggested updates/fixes installed by your dealer (there was an important one last year that was supposed to take care of a lot of these situations). In the future you might also want to carry a portable battery/jump starter kit as many of us have for this (I've never had to use it... yet).
  6. Hmmm, interesting. We have Prime and we do love The Race, so that's something we could revisit as well (not ALL the seasons, as some of them I wouldn't care to see again, but there were a couple that were great from start to finish). Thanks for the heads up (I haven't even come close to looking at all the stuff available there -- just mostly the newly created Prime series).
  7. To me it's not a question of whether I "could" make it somewhere with an electric if I planned where I had to stop, but rather until there are chargers as frequent as gas stations it just is WAY too much hassle to try and go somewhere. I don't know how many of you are old enough to remember the gas "crisis" in the 70's, but back then when you could only fuel on certain days there was no way I was going to make a trip to California (from Southern Nevada, so it's not like it was all that far). Just too much "if" to worry about. Now, on a regular commute or even (perhaps) a "once in a lifetime trip" where you could plan out everything in great detail I guess I wouldn't mind it. But even with gas stations everwhere nowadays I've had some scary incidents in our Durango that makes me NEVER again want to worry if I can "make it" or not. I'm not saying there aren't people to who that isn't a concern, but I do suspect I'm in the majority and as long as that's the case then we won't see electics making much headway until the infrastructure is well in place (and that's a chicken/egg situation that probably will need government intervention to be solved).
  8. Yeah, I lived out west (Nevada, for over 30 years) and I am very familiar with the wide open spaces and the accomodations needed for travel to be efficient. Texas, obviously, is so much larger than any other state, with so much distance to travel, it's almost an entire country (with Nevada it's more a case of "nothing between here and there" so you need to go as fast as possible to actually get some where :>). I don't think Maximis would have done as well there -- certainly winter would have been a challenge, but also the fact there was very little "moderate" driving. Would have been interesting to try, though.
  9. If your lights are really 1/2 mile apart and there is a limit of 40 between them it's a pretty weird drive (I've never seen that -- I have seen it at 35 or so, though). In that case, however, I'd just drive a bit under 35, as that kind of drive ought to work REALLY well even with the stop and go of missing most (or even all) of the lights). No need to go any faster, since it doesn't sound like there's any traffic anyway (or IT would be tripping those pressure plates and you wouldn't have any trouble predicting things). Faster wouldn't make your commute any shorter anyway (due to the time lost accelerating and decellerating). Just because the posted limits are higher doesn't mean you have to drive them (they are LIMITS, not speeds you have to drive at). Our car is VERY efficient at around 30mph even with stop and go (I once did around 30 miles of that and I got the highest mpg I ever got, around 70, which got me SO excited until I realized that it was a weird condition I was never going to be in again).
  10. Yeah, I can't see me going all electric either, not in my lifetime (admittedly a lot less than most of you :>). It just creates too many things I need to worry about, not the least is then trying to find a place to plug in even if all I want to do is go for a 150 mile trip. I do think the infrastructure will get there but, again, probably not soon enough for me. Love my hybrid Max, though.
  11. This is the link that works for me (in Chrome): http://fordcmaxhybridforum.com/forum/1-c-max-hybrid-forum/ (It's the only one I've ever used, and I've never had a problem with it).
  12. I don't try hovering but just go by the topic headings after I click "New Content" -- let me see what happens...nope, just see "View Topic", which doesn't seem particularly troublesome (as I said, never did this before so never noticed). I can understand why hovering and getting more details would be nice, but it doesn't appeal to be a problem so much as it's just how the forum works (my own forums don't do this either).
  13. Yeah, I use OpenOffice (and Dropbox) so no need for any of that crap.
  14. Pretty simple then -- don't use OneDrive (which MS is constantly crippling and making more and more useless anyway). Lots of much better alternates (I stopped using it even when I had 200GB of data free, as it was pretty well fracking my machine up with all the nasty takeovers it insisted on).
  15. I have never used Edge but among my former IT colleagues they say they are still staying away from it (and from Win 10 in general -- granted, these are folks whose career and work relies upon things being dependable and cannot afford to live on the "bleeding edge. I'm retired so I *could* take more chances, but just don't feel like it). It wouldn't take a lot for any browser to be better than IE, so it's faint praise indeed.
  16. Yeah, if a site requires IE I just don't go there (I *NEVER* start IE up, and I mean never -- it's just that pernicious).
  17. I use Safari on both my Mac and iOS and it's all right, but Chrome is definitely better (and I never have resources issues -- then again, I'm still at least one or two OS releases behind on my Mac, as I have ZERO need to fix things which aren't broken). The thing I like most about Chrome is that all my bookmarks are synchonized across ALL my devices (iPad, iPhone, Mac and PCs). This used to drive me crazy with other browsers and perhaps by now Safari and/or Firefox have caught up, but it's such a joy to bookmark something somewhere and see it show up everywhere else (because I surf across a wide range of things).
  18. Yeah, I think clearly this is an IE sort of thing. While a lot of websites *can* play well with IE, many do not (including the two that I run). As an admin it is a PITA to deal with and for the most part I just tell members "use a real browser". While it would seem like Microsoft's standard browser with every OS ought to be at least supported by everyone, it's so much work and effort to do that I totally understand when it isn't. As a former IT chief the first thing we did in our state was standardize on FireFox (and then, later, Chrome). It saved a whole lot of frustration. The thing I've found is that EVERY single person who I've gotten to switch over to Chrome is so impressed they wished they had done it sooner. If all you ever have used is IE it will be quite the eye-opener to use a world class browser.
  19. And I'll bet you dollars to donuts you won't have any of these issues running Chrome on your desktop. (Truely, IE is a virus).
  20. Depending on my finances, I intend to buy another C-Max at the end of their run. Best car I've ever owned.
  21. It's far cheaper for them to broadcast the radio track (and they lose less speakers). But... they are caught in between the OLD technology (the window speakers) and the new (if they enabled bluetooth, for example, folks could receive MUCH better audio and those of us in C-Maxes could even bring portable bluetooth speakers, which have amazing sound nowadays. Range might be an issue, but good bluetooth broadcasters can operate over several hundred feet, and they could have some repeater stations along the way. Or, hell, they could just stream the audio using podcasts and still get better sound).
  22. Quotes work for me. Let's try a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtoCw2iOTSc Link seems to work. What browser are you using? Usually problems with web sites come down to the browser (and usually come down to using Internet Explorer, or whatever Microsoft is calling their latest browsing monstrosity). I would highly recommend Chrome, the only real browser anyone should be using (and works cross platforms on nearly anything anyone wants: PC, Mac, iOS, Android, which the added advantage of sharing your bookmarks across all your devices). If Chrome doesn't work for you I'd be amazed (and if you've never used it you are in for a treat).
  23. I always joke about that and my wife keeps reminding me there are some areas of the country where they have indeed survived, even if they are mostly on life support. Kind of reminds me of vinyl records -- for all but the most die hard they just don't exist, but there will always be *some* out there who keep the experience alive (I can't say there is much about either that I miss).
  24. Yeah, and just to be a contraian, we gave up on our all-electric pressure washer, which was pitiful compared to the gas-only powered one we have. I assume in this particular analogy, it's a lot like those heavy duty trucks folks say need to be ICE -- pressure washers, in order to have any sort of power or reliability, need to be gas (all others are for amateurs -- I know, I was one and there is no comparison). I still say the future is something we really can't see, although it's pretty funny that nearly all future "guesses" of over 30 years had cars being either electric, or flying, or something other than what they still are. Who knows, perhaps the self-driving roadway will be what we ALL have, with our "stops" simply swapping out the ride for another, fully charged one.
  25. I know what you are saying but my 2014 SE doesn't do that (I put it in neutral and just sit there and when we reach the end I just put it in drive and drive away). Have you tried, in your driveway, just putting your car in neutral and seeing how long it can stay there without turning off? (Make sure you have a level driveway, of course -- or do it on the street curb).
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