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Everything posted by raadsel

  1. I was watching back episodes of the Amazing Race on Amazon Prime last night (I believe it is also available through Hulu), and in season 23 of Episode 1 they feature the C-Max Energi. It starts about the 7 minute mark, when they are told they are to drive the C-Max to the Airport from the starting line. Once in the C-Max, they have to use voice commands to call a phone number, to find out where they are flying to. The episode talked about above is from Season 25, Episode 4 (is also available on Amazon Prime and, I believe, Hulu) and starts at the 7 minute mark.
  2. My understanding is, if you use Sync Services and call an operator for directions, they can download the turn by turn instructions into your head unit (even the basic one).
  3. To update the software of the radio/navigation head unit, enroll at https://owner.ford.com. There is an under "Sync & Vehicle Features" to check for a software update. To update the Maps, you just need to swap out the SD Card. Typically one of the cheapest places to find maps is on eBay, the current SD card is the A7 (US & Canada), though you can also get a B6 (not seeing the B7, the "B" cards are the US and Mexico). It appears that the A7 cards are costing under $100 on eBay currently. You can pick up the A6 for less, if you don't mind being slightly behind. I'd also recommend making sure your car has all recalls completed. You can find that here (owner.ford.com again) without registering, just enter your car's VIN number.
  4. It was raining today, my wipers were on continuously, and the headlights weren't on. In fact, it surprised me they weren't on because it was fairly dark with the rain and heavy cloud cover. Later, I was going through the options on the left hand screen and under "Setting," -> "Vehicle" -> "Lighting" I noticed an entry marked "Auto Light Rain" that has an On/Off choice (2013 owner's manual, Third Edition, p. 125). I noticed mine was set to "Off," so I turned it on. I'll have to test it next time I'm out but I suspect this is the switch that determines if your lights turn on when the wipers are constantly on. I also seem to recall my lights previously turned on automatically in the rain, so I suspect that this defaults to off -- and mine was reset to the default when I had one of the recalls done on my C-Max.
  5. This is an interesting article on what car makers can do to make electric cars more mainstream. Most of their article seems to be devoted to battery tech, including a link to an article that mentions lots of the battery technologies currently under development, including the claim that many might finally be ready next year -- though it focuses more on batteries for personal devices, such as cell phones. Two of the battery technologies mentioned are Sulfide Superionic Conductors, being developed by Toyota, and Graphene batteries . Both technologies claim that they can offer much greater capacity in a smaller area, giving cars a 500 mile range with less weight, and charge much faster than lithium ion batteries (Graphene battery developers are claiming 33x faster charging times). It will be interesting to see what actually develops, how much of an improvement it is, and how it effects prices. 500 miles range, faster charging, and cheaper prices should help make electric cars marketable, and drive the building of charging stations.
  6. It seems like this is something that is very possibly covered under the federally mandated emissions warranty, so long as the car has been properly maintained. Also, has the car had all the recalls performed, particularly 15E03?
  7. And just to add, Tesla's "free charging" is meant for travel only -- they did it so their drivers could drive across the country -- they aren't meant for everyday use. Tesla has even started reminding drivers that and may even start enforcing at some point, as local drivers at some locations have prevented people who are actually traveling from being able to recharge in a timely manner. We do need, as a society, to create more charging stations. Of course, at this point it is something of a "chicken and egg" situation -- without charging stations you don't have much demand for BEVs, but without BEV's there is no demand for charging stations. Worse, most of those buying BEVs right now do it as a second vehicle so they can always charge it at home (never need to take it beyond it's range). At some point, it seems like someone (likely will have to be government) will need to invest in charging stations to get them up and running, which will then fuel BEV sales, which will drive demand for additional charging stations. Of course, we still need better batteries. While having close to a 300 mile range is workable, the fact remains it still doesn't compare to cars (like the C-Max) which can get 600 miles or more on a single tank of gas.
  8. It is also worth noting the C-Max is based off of the Focus platform, as well as the Escape. I think the real question is if they will continue a utility/station wagon type of hybrid, or will the E be more like a Focus to maximize fuel economy (perhaps a bit like the Prius or Hyundai Ioniq).
  9. I think the reason the roads are that way in my area is because of the way Houston is so "new", the fact that the population has exploded over the last few decades. Most of the roads in my area started as roads that connected Houston to the outlying towns -- so basically they were roads through scrub forest and farmland. As neighborhoods were built, they were largely built between these roads, with only a couple of roads connecting to the main roads -- so the main roads maintained rather high speed limits. In the 15 years I've lived here, this area has changed a great deal; with several housing developments and businesses having moved in to areas that previously were undeveloped. This seems to be pretty typical of Houston generally -- of course the other reason is because Texans are so in love with their cars. Of course, it is also worth noting that the Houston Metro area is extremely large and spread out; basically the Houston Metro area is roughly the same size as the state of Massachusetts.
  10. This is definitely an issue I have, in trying to figure out city/highway. Once I leave my neighborhood, since I live at the edge of the city, 40 mph is about the lowest speed limit I see. This also is a challenge with mpgs -- I have that minumum of 40 mpg speed limits but often still have lights every 1/2 mile or so. This means I accelerate up to 40 or higher, then may need to stop in half a mile or mile, so I don't get a chance to cruise under electric power long enough to "pay off" the energy used to accelerate. Worse, the lights tend to use pressure plates to determine when to change, making the lights hard to predict.
  11. I'm sure the C-Max will be continued in Europe as it has previously. The European edition of the C-Max has never had a hybrid option (though I believe the C-Max Energi was sold in The Netherlands), just gas and diesel models -- they also have an updated body style that started last year (from what I recall). The European models are built in Spain, whereas all Hybrid and Energi C-Max have been built in Michigan (though may be moving to Mexico -- though it sounds like they will just be discontinued).
  12. I think that is one issue, but I think the larger issue is gas prices. People really aren't interested in hybrid vehicles when gas prices are $2 per gallon. Rising gas prices have increased the interest in hybrids but they are still having to discount hybrids heavily to sale them.
  13. Congrats on the new car! I look forward to hearing your C-Max experiences and adventures.
  14. It is more an "ON" mode without the engine running than an accessory mode. The SEs with a physical key have a three position switch; accessory, on, and start. Accessory only has things like the radio turn on, it doesn't turn on things like the dashboard displays. When you switch the key to "On" it turns on the rest of the electronics, such as the dashboard displays but the car is not started. Start is just like a starter in a normal car, it is spring loaded, so you push against the spring to start the car and then let it go back to the On position. The push button only has one "position" which is on. Depressing the brake pedal, while pushing the button, is essentially like pushing the key to the "start" position. There is no accessory mode.
  15. Really need more information? Is this a new noise or has it basically been there since you bought the car? Is it just "normal" engine sounds or is it a different type of noise? For example, if it is just something like loud but relatively normal engine noise, it could just be something as simple as the "rubber band effect" caused because the car has a CVT.
  16. I'm wondering what people here think of Microsoft Edge, which replaced IE? Granted, I'm still using Chrome but I've heard that Edge is far better than IE ever was.
  17. I'd want to make sure the 12V battery and tires are good, particularly that the tires don't have spots where they've flattened out after being in the same position for so long. I'd likely also want them to do the maintenance that is required after one year -- change the oil, air filter, and cabin air filter.
  18. But the FM radio sound is still better than the old metal speakers you used to mount to the window. Another option would be if they could upgrade to HD Radio, though that isn't as widely available as Bluetooth.
  19. Interestingly, in the Houston area there is a drive in I've been to a few times. Apparently they are doing well enough that they are opening a second theater. The first one is North of Houston, the new one will be South of Houston. I will admit, I've not gone with my C-Max SEL; can't have the car on without the DRL being on and have to bring a separate radio, since the radio turns off 10 minutes after the car is turned off.
  20. Yes. I used a thumb drive to update my car.
  21. That is odd, I've never seen the oil life line when I run the Report for my 2013 C-Max Hybrid. I went back and checked previous emails -- they look the same (other than the specific information that you omitted) except mine is lacking the Oil Life Box. To double check, I just ran a new report and it was the same way, no box there for Oil Life. Makes me wonder if there is a setting hiding somewhere that I've missed that might give me more information.
  22. There are a few hybrids whose sales figures will be interesting. Starting with the Hyundai Sonata Hybrid, which now has over 13 cu ft of trunk space and fold down rear seats (battery is under floor of trunk). Then, beyond the Hyundai Ioniq (hatchback) and Toyota Rav 4, we'll be seeing the Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid (minivan) and Kia Niro (CUVish). It will also be interesting to see how the Chevy Malibu Hybrid does.
  23. You can go to owner.ford.com, select "Service & Maintenance" from the menu on the top of the webpage, then select "Recalls" from the menu that drops down to see what Recalls still need to be performed on your C-Max. I believe this link will take you directly there, just enter your VIN number (you don't need to create an account). I don't know what to tell you about gas mileage, it seems as if you should be doing better. For me in my 2013 C-Max SEL, I run 87 octane gas with ethanol (don't have any stations close that sell it without ethanol), typically have my tires inflated around 45 psi, and wish I didn't need to run the A/C as frequently as I do (though I don't need to run the heater much). For me, at least from what I can tell using Eco Cruise Control, when I travel around 60 mph on the highway I average around 45 mpg. If I push it up to 65 mph, I average just over 40 mpg. And if I go up to 70 it drops to around 36 mpg (based on display in the car). Basically, as you go above 60 mpg the average fuel economy really starts dropping. My guess is that, as you better learn how to drive the car efficiently, that your gas mileage will improve a bit. It also seems like slowing down, if possible in areas where you are going 65 mph and higher, will help. I'll also note that with my car, my calculated fuel economy seems to be almost exactly 2 mpg lower than what the car shows. My "lifetime average" on my C-Max shows I've gotten 42.0 mpg, according to Fuelly I'm getting 40.0.
  24. Count me as another who has not seen it happen, with a 2013 SEL (302A, so no park assist). I've gone through car washed and the car has stayed on in Neutral, when the car wash is done I shift to Drive and go.
  25. This is exactly the reason I decided just to update using the link, and not wait for Ford to "fix" it.
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