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Everything posted by ArizonaEnergi

  1. I'm puzzled why they say "Fusion Hybrid" and "Fusion Energi" but don't do the same for the C-Max. Are we to assume this applies to both versions also?
  2. I had taken mine in a few weeks ago for the SB 13.3.11 software fix but I already had the current version (three hours of my life I won't get back. Oh wait, I got some free cookies. Never mind.). I was going to wait to do both the GPSM and the Sync update at the same time but decided to go ahead with the GPS fix as I got a trip coming up and who knows when the hell they're going to release 3.5.1. Also, the GPS fix requires time for the techs to verify the problem, AND they may not have the module in stock as it appears to be a "as needed" warranty item.
  3. Mine is fairly accurate when I start out and are driving slow, with the point of the arrow slightly behind my true location. As I speed up to 40-45 the arrow gets even further behind and is typically 100 feet behind my true location as I'm driving. When I stop it remains behind. If stopped and making a turn usually the arrow will shift forward to the road I'm on and continue to trail behind. The problem arises if I make a turn without stopping. The GPS detects the turn and makes the turn but its 100' behind me so all of a sudden its 100' either to the right or left of my position. It that happens to be a road it will jump to the road and if I was using the navigation it tells me I'm on the wrong road. Actually, with this problem navigation is impossible to use. Add turns to the drive and the location indicator gets totally screwed up. The "good" thing is that this condition is totally reproducible. Drive the same road at the same speed and make the same turns and the indicator will always behave the same way. Here's where it always ends up when I turn into my neighborhood. A nice 600' gap between the indicator tip and where my car is.
  4. I originally thought it was a software problem since I have the older 3.1.3 software and A3 SD card maps but some people with that version reported no problems, and some people started to report that replacing the GPS Module fixed their problem. A good thread on this is: http://fordcmaxhybridforum.com/index.php?/topic/1664-who-has-313-nav-and-it-works-properly/
  5. It was bad from the get-go and is a common problem with many C-Max's and other Ford products. My YouTube video of the problem is here:
  6. Yes, I saw your post on the horror, the horror!, of having to drive a common car after becoming accustomed to the luxury of the C-Max and had great sympathy for you. Fortunately, I think, our dealer isn't wanting to keep ours overnight (yet) for the repair. I'm just hoping they don't screw up the dash in getting to everything.
  7. We took our C-Max into the dealer today to have the GPS system looked at and they concluded, rightly so, that a new GPSM was required. They didn't have one, as they are only obtained when a Repair Order calls for one, but another dealer allegedly had one but upon sending someone over there they discovered their inventory was wrong, they had none, so our Service Advisor immediately ordered one from Ford and it is suppose to be here Thursday. So, hopefully, Thursday or Friday we hope to have our GPS working properly, then all that will remain is the 3.5.1 update and another day spent at the dealer. I will post the outcome.
  8. I still find myself having to adjust, e.g. backup when parking and try again, when parking the c-max. One would expect a small vehicle like this would have a better turning radius, but I assume the engineers did the best they could with the big wheels etc. My Honda Element had a terrific turning radius. Zip, zoom, go anywhere. The C-Max is 38.4', and others can be found here: http://db.theautochannel.com/db/newcarbuyersguide/rank_car_criteria.php?sortby=Model&stylename=Wagon&titleid=184 For example, Prius V 5 is 38.1', but other V's are 36.1'.
  9. I was at our dealer yesterday setting up an appointment to determine if my GPS deserves to have its module replaced so that I can then set up another appointment to have that done, so I decided to check a couple of C-Max's to see if they had my cupholder divider in it. Neither had the divider, so I concluded 1)this is no longer a supplied item, or 2)they are not installed until prepping for the buyer, or 3)other owners had already found their missing divider in these two units. I will be back next week for my GPS analysis and will check again to see if mine has been found and put in the cars for retrevial. (I'm actually just joking about this (or am I?) as I prefer to have all the room in the center area as that's where we put our MP3 player which we have to use since out C-Max will not pause and resume audiobook files (MP3) on a consistent basis for some unknow reason. Please 3.51 come soon!)
  10. I went to my Ford dealer today and scheduled an appointment for the tech to examine the GPS error problem and hopefully order the module. I prepared a one-page document with the service results from two forum members who had had theirs replaced, the part number of the module, a photo from my screen showing the error, and a link to my YouTube video of the problem. He attached it to the work order and I think it will help the tech in reaching the correct decision, which is to replace the module. The helpful moderator Mr Lane has given me some more room, but my Word document with picture is way too big, but many thanks! I'm uploading the picture I inserted in the document separately if anyone wants to use it.
  11. Another class-action lawfirm hoping to make a quick buck. Our country really needs "loser pays" in the lawsuit area.
  12. Whatever will fit, but I use it for a pen as my air gauge has a round dial.
  13. Very good. Thank you for the pic. Mine must have been left in one of the other CMaxs on the showroom and the next time I'm at the dealer I'll have to get it.
  14. Can anyone post a picture of this thing installed, as I still don't get it.
  15. Since reading about the brochure ordering and private cash discount I've been continually kicking myself for not knowing about, despite reading and watching everything I could find prior to buying our Energi. I'm now so glad to know that some people don't get the coupon and thus I will pretend that I am in a zipcode that would have been denied such a nice benefit and no longer that to fret about being SO STUPID.
  16. No, so be sure to not trigger the hatch if it might hit something and pad for that eventuallity! I wrapped some foam around my bike rack vertical post, and when installing the rack I leave my key away from the car.
  17. I found one! I put a USB>iPod charging cable in one, and a USB>phone charging cable in the other!
  18. I prefer the alternative of pressing the remote from afar and having the car start with A/C on high! (How far "afar" can be is yet to be determined.)
  19. The bracket in the lid of the center console. I don't have anything to put in it yet, but when I do I'm sure it will be useful!
  20. Same here and I left them on as a precaution. (Pending futher study!)
  21. I measured the C-Max armrest as about 2.75" just behind the handle vs. 4" on my Honda Odyssey.
  22. I'm 6' 4" and thought it was too narrow when I first got the car but now, two months later, don't think much about it anymore other than occassionally wondering how it could be modded to make it wider - a 1" thick pick of foam velcroed onto the edge?
  23. I agree on the NPV. If you lose 1% interest on your money in your savings account for 8 months until you "get" the credit, its $3,750 x 1% x 8/12 = $25.
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