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Everything posted by RachelnLa

  1. You know it! I go twice as far on half the gas as I use to.
  2. Does anyone just drive their car like a regular car? If so, what kind of numbers are you getting?? Reason being, I brought my son to work today and drove the car like a regular car. Most driving was interstate and going 70mph. I was shocked when I got home and saw this! 42.5! [url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/93484805@N07/8600782145/]
  3. Whoohooo. Look at you!!! Loving it.
  4. If you are off, enjoy the day! Even if you are not off, take a moment to reflect.
  5. Holy Toledo! Look at that. And those EV miles! WTG MTB!!! I know it seems odd and you have to try hard to achieve this but if you keep doing at it this will soon become natural!! Wow. I am really impressed!! Congrats, hyper miler!!
  6. Any computer would require Internet; another monthly fee. Then there are virus protectors and wifi, etc. not gonna happen. He does go to the public library and look up stuff there. He prefers the ham radio. Oh yeah. We had a cb at home and in the vehicles. It was the cell phone back in the day. We had handles, matching vests and name Plates (pins). Lots of parties with fellow CBers. Big antennas on the back of cars. My husband even had a cb in the truck when we met. Oh yes, Adair. He made and smoked sausage last week. He used to make hundreds of pounds. Now he just does one hundred. He makes tamales and pot stickers and egg rolls, oh and wine. He can get a little obsessive hahahaha. I wonder where I get it from?? He did woodwork until he cut the tips of his fingers off. I had to race him to the hospital. He made all kinds of stuff. I will snap some photos today while we are there :)
  7. Nope. No iPad. His cell phone is still the 35.00 plan of 200 mins. No text. Nights and weekends start at 8 or 9??? They only need it for emergencies. Mom said only one "toy" at a time lol. You should see his ham radio room. He has a mic like he is in a radio studio and headphones and all kinds of ....electronic thingies with dials and needles flickering. I grew up with CBs and whips and radio fests. And French music. Lol.
  8. He has no computer nor Internet. He prefers ham radio, making wine and homemade sausage. He did look thru the gallery on my phone and I showed him "the crash" photos. He was impressed.
  9. I had to delete my trip pics. (too many) I have moved on to tank photos :). Oh, and going thru and looking at fuelly accounts. I will see my dad tomorrow. I am sure the convo will center around how he is still on his first tank. His free tank. Then he will ask how many miles I have. Then he will ask about everyone on the board. So if your ears are burning tomorrow you will know why.
  10. Not to mention he will wreck my average mpgs lol
  11. I am trying! Sometimes I get sidetracked with the music and the ride or the phone (I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Bluetooth phone) and don't watch the Gage's too close. But hey, I enjoy living on the edge now and again <grin>
  12. I am curious to see the graft change over the summer. I should take a screen shot and compare!
  13. Glad you made the decision to buy. :). Let the countdown begin!!
  14. If more people used bikes they would. They want their money, plain and simple.
  15. and another reason *I* only drive my car lol
  16. RachelnLa

    New Member

    Welcome! congrats on the car and finding this great board with many awesome people :)
  17. sorry, i am a girl and had the same thought. is it brushed on or do you actually dip it? hey, i am here to learn ;)
  18. me three. i tried out lots of cars LOTS nothing spoke to me... my husband kept saying not to settle and that i would know when i found the right car. i drove a tahoe, so anything better than 17 mpg would have been an improvement. but after sitting in it and driving it.. i just knew.
  19. whooohoo girl! That's some awesome numbers.. and you have many weeks of summer driving too. by the time next winter hits your engine will be broken in and you should get good numbers even then.
  20. Mtb, You are funny. Jus gave you an F? Hahahaha. It takes practice. You will get it. Take a drive on the back roads and practice coasting and braking and taking off. You can pay less attention to the road and more on the dash.
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