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  1. I have a 2013 that has developed a similar sound. I'm afraid it has something to do with the transmission. I'll try coasting in neutral and see if it is still there.
  2. I think Ford should also produce a smaller Hybrid / Plug-in SUV similar in size to the Honda HRV and maybe they could call it something like, I don't know, C-Max II. I'm really going to miss the C-Max form factor - it has been perfect for me. I'll have to say I see more C-Max on the road than ever before. They're a fantastic deal on the used car market and appear to have some longevity.
  3. If you're looking for mileage and gas usage look at https://automatic.com/. Uses 3G and no fees. You can get all your info on a web site or phone. Have one on all my cars. Fantastic.
  4. I've seen a few forum posts where others have updated their navigation systems, but for a Focus. It appears possible but the approaches were adhoc. I'm not aware of any vendor selling a package.
  5. 110,000 on my 2013 Silver C-Max SEL. Been wonderful, no problems, 42 MPG lifetime average. 25,000 on my Red 2017 C-Max SE. Also a great car - 44.1 MPG average this last year. I really like these cars. They're ideal for commuting in heavy freeway traffic.
  6. I have two. 2013 SEL (110K lifetime 42+ MPG) and 2016 SE (20K lifetime 44+ MPG). Great cars, great value! You'll be happy.
  7. Plug the phone you want to play music from into one of the available USB ports.
  8. I also have two C-Max, a 2013 and a 2016. I'm getting much better mileage in the 2016. I don't believe Ford changed the car a bit between 2016 and 17. I'm not sure when it was implemented but the newer models now have an ECO mode. ECO mode has increased my mileage by about 4 MPG. I use a use an ODB II plug in to track mileage on both my cars. For this year ... 2016 C-Max - 13,900 Miles, 45.6 MPG 2013 C-Max - 9,500 Miles, 41.0 MPG Now to be fair I'm driving the 2016 SE and my wife is driving the 2013 SEL. Her driving characteristics are very different and account for a portion of the differences. Nick
  9. I have Weathertech on both my C-Maxes. They have worked well and clean easily. When I resell at 300K the carpet will still look great!
  10. The Microsoft partnership on the old Sync has been a disaster for Ford. A worthless piece of you know what in my opinion. I gave up on it in my 2013 and installed a Garmin GPS. My 2016 has Sync 3 which has been fantastic.
  11. The battery on your FOB is probably on its last leg. I had similar problems recently. I replaced the FOB battery and all is well.
  12. Lifetime (since February this year) with my new 2016 C-Max SE: 10,836 MILES 45.3 MPG $541.82 FUEL Estimate 302:02 HOURS
  13. I don't get the CR MPG numbers at all. Here's my numbers for the month so far. 634 MILES49.1 MPG All I do is commute to work every morning, just like everyone else on the freeways in the Twin Cities - 33 miles one way. I don't try to save gas, I just try to get to work on time without killing myself. I don't think I could get 35-37 MPG if I tried! In the winter when it is below 0F, yes, I get in the 30's. During the spring, summer and fall, never. Numbers from my commute this morning. 33.6 MILES57.4 MPG $1.36 FUEL 56.4 MINUTES Yes, I am driving on a freeway ... kind of sad I know. The slower my average speed for a commute the better my MPG. CR must be driving 90 MPH in their city driving.
  14. Just changed the battery in one of my fobs. Worked fine.
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