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Everything posted by Adrian_L

  1. No my analogy was sound. You just got lucky. I wouldn't blame Ford for one bad C-max either. That wasn't the point. Your argument was that the chances of getting a second lemon was somehow lower if your first was a lemon. This simply makes no logical sense. It's like saying you're likely to hit black on Roulette because the last spin was red. If I did own a "lemon" and someone told me to buy the same car again, I'd seriously question their "common sense".
  2. Sorry, something strange is going on with the ETIS website. MY car is showing up as a '14 Energi too. But I'm seeing an "SE" in there which leads me to believe you have the (unfortunately) model plagued with the most battery problems.
  3. I notice your VIN refers to a 2014 Energi model. You unplugged your charger and the car wouldn't start?
  4. Come on.....nobody thinks like this. You have endless problems with a Pioneer stereo and you think "oh I just got a bad one.....the next one will be fine"!? No way...what you actually think is "Pioneer is junk!... Sony next time" I love my C-max and haven't had a single problem in 10 months.......but if I had 7 battery failures? Adios, Maxine. Or to look at it another way: your first girlfriend is a promiscuous, compulsive-lying so-and-so. It don't mean the next one is going to be Claudia Cardinale. The next one could be even worse....
  5. Might I suggest that if you're going to insult someone, take the time to spell the word correctly. "uninformed". I sure hope you are more polite to your customers than you are to us know-nothings you share the forum with.
  6. I'm not sure if the "(vinyl? no thanks)" comment was directed at the C-max, but Ford does use real dead cows for its seats. The Prius uses synthetic leather, aka pleather, in their seats.
  7. Fair enough, but it's important to point out that you get a ton of extras for not alot extra with the SEL. To get leather, Nav, premium audio, camera etc. etc in Prius would cost you a bomb. You prefer cloth seats? No more scrubbing coffee and doughnut filling out of upholstry cloth for me.
  8. You're right--if we are on the street corner and you are swearing in front of my 7 year old. You have no right to listen to my objection, and clearly you don't care that you're offending me. The difference is that we're on a moderated forum and we have rules. So if you want to stay on this forum, clean up your language.
  9. 10k: I dropped my car off for service at 8:45 a.m. and walked the mile to work from the dealership (Brown Bros. in Vancouver) When I picked up the car at 4:30 p.m. I was informed that "we didn't have time to do the 14S04 recall ". So almost 8 hours to change the oil, rotate the tires and check the fluids.
  10. With the greatest respect----- 1. The majority of drivers couldn't care less about the various letters on the back of car if they read them at all 2. Most drivers probably don't know what "hybrid" means. I have checked. My brother-in-law's sister thought it means a special type of gas. 3. A driver makes a decision to tailgate long before he/she is close enough to read your hybrid sticker 4. Who cares? Let them sit there stewing while you rack up the great mileage. I usually slow down a bit when I get a tailgater.
  11. I'm waiting for the all-electric VW Type 2 van retro version (with split windscreen) and camper option.
  12. Understood. Not sure what to suggest other than ask your dealer if the 4 button (believe it is called Fob 2) would work with your car.
  13. I think "upgrade" here is the wrong word. Sure you can upgrade---software updates, new maps for the nav. etc. What you mean is "replace the existing system with the next system". I would have loved to replace the Audi MMI in my 2005 A6 (which was an $86,000 car when new) The bluetooth couldn't pick up my phone--the "cradle" for the phone would only accept certain older models. The nav was seriously flawed. Sure it would have been great to pull out that system and plug in a new one. Totally impossible---or prohibitively expensive. Take your pick. If I had asked Audi they would have told me what Ford told you.......buy a new model. You can't blame Ford for this.
  14. Really? You mean a separte FOB that only has the remote start button?? My '13 came with remote start built in and the dealership gave me two FOBs with 5 buttons (remote start, unlock, lock, trunk, alarm)
  15. Atta boy. If I do decide to put one in myself I'll take your advice and wear gloves. Adrian
  16. Can we struggle on without using the term "stealershit"? There are Ford representatives on this forum. I'm sure there are other Ford forums where an absence of good manners is encouraged.
  17. Apart from the name (which is terrible) it looks good on paper. I would have bought a Focus Electric if it had a 200 mile range.
  18. I believe K&N are still waiting to see the first sensor with any K&N oil on it. There's pretty conclusive info on their website about high pressure testing of their filters.
  19. Oh right......the quarts and quarts of oil flying off the K&N filter into your MAF sensor. I'm surprised nobody has tried to cook french fries in there. Another urban myth.
  20. Gas hit $6 a gallon up here in Canada a couple of years ago. When it hit $5/gallon the local news media started interviewing people at gas stations: "will you change your driving habits? etc. etc". Alot of folks said they would drive less. The reality was that there was an increase in cars on the road, people didn't change their driving habits and there seemed to be just as many silly behemoths (Escalade, Denali, Navigator, Armada) that were there before. If the theory is that high gas prices fuel hybrid or economy car sales, it sure isn't being proven here.
  21. Unfortunate? Why? No amount of reasurance from my relatives would have convinced me to buy a car that can barely hold two "stewardess" suitcases in the trunk. Everyone's needs are different
  22. The K&N debate has been going on for years, but basically the consensus is: 1. It basically does what it says it does---lets the car breath a bit easier WITHOUT additional modifications. 2. It also lets more dirt in than a paper filter 3. You might get a slight increase in power and economy---but nothing near 5 mpg. 4. Your air flow sensor is safe. I have put them in VW busses and GMC vans but can't say I have noticed a difference.
  23. I guess the point I was trying to make is that after driving an Audi that was 86,000 CAD new (I didn't buy it new!) I was worried that after making the decision to go hybrid or full-electric I would feel like I was back in my old '88 Honda Civic or something with a plastic-ey dash and tacky heater controls. No way. You can buy a Volt if you want that. Sure, it isn't an Infinity or Cadillac but you have to pay for that, and I didn't want to go back to $100 fill-ups at the pump. For the reasonable money I paid, I've got 5-position seat heaters, climate control, nav, panoramic roof, backup camera. Nice soft materials on the dash. Leather. Plus great engineering and 52 mpg! I can't tell if my Sony audio is better than the Bose in the Audi---same ballpark. Yes, we also have a high car-snob population in Vancouver.
  24. I ran this question past my friend---an English professor and here's what he said: "not great" typically is used to refer to a "less than desirable" situation. For example--"Bill, how did you do in your test?" "Not great" Meaning that Bill probably passed but didn't get a good score. Claiming "not great" means "a slighty lower level than great" or "almost great" is not how the term is commonly used. Let's stop splitting semantic hairs and agree that a 58 mpg trip is pretty damned fantastic for a car that is rated at 42 mpg.
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