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Everything posted by zhackwyatt

  1. I wonder if it's because they are losing money on Gas taxes.
  2. Does bluetooth carry the current time? It would have to support it.
  3. Yeah, chip is from a rescue as well. He's very smart, and picks up on things fast.
  4. Yes I did. The only thing I'm not sure about are the battery figures of the Energi.
  5. This is where I find http://mint.com helps a lot.
  6. I made this a while ago that might help: http://gocalipso.com/2013/02/plugin-hybrid-energy-cost-comparison-calculator.php#post
  7. I'm pretty sure that is not true, at least my other Ford does not behave that way. (The C-Max does not have an alarm indicator, my Explorer does.) Pressing once does activate the alarm. Pressing twice gives you an indication that the doors are all shut and locked. If a door is open and you press twice, you will hear two honks.
  8. No, I had DNA test done. Cocker Spaniel, Boxer, Border Collie, and Boston Terrier.
  9. I was born and raised in a town whose entire economy was based on oil. It too had a refinery in it, and my dad supported us with it, by working in the fields for over 20 years.
  10. Does anyone know what we use oil for? Broken down by %? I mean oil is more than just fuel, it's in plastics as well. We can never be 100% off oil.
  11. This is important, because it takes so much time for this creep up from the low numbers it starts out with from the factory, etc.
  12. Lol, sorry, try this: http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8237/8586123469_1564649154_b.jpg
  13. Word on the street is that there is a software update in the works for this.
  14. The car or the dog supervising me? lol
  15. I just detailed using only Meguiar's products. I used this kit: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004HCU77I/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B004HCU77I&linkCode=as2&tag=calipso-20 They also have an awesome forum for help with detailing for noobs like me. http://meguiarsonline.com/
  16. So..., I'm no expert in Car crashes, thankfully, I've only ever had one. But shouldn't your car insurance company be on the phone w/ their car insurance company. Why do you have to communicate with the other guy's insurance?
  17. Just detailed my Ruby Red. First time I have ever hand-detailed a car before, so not too shabby considering how it turned out.
  18. Absolutely yes. I love the car. Again with the mileage, for the umpteenth time, it's the EPA test, not Ford making the numbers.
  19. Correct, black spot, locks, grabbing whole handle, unlocks.
  20. For me, lifetime is the lifetime of the car.
  21. They were having problems with inexperienced employees at the factory, and as far as i know, Ford has never assembled two different cars right on the same line before (explaining your Focus manaul). August is early for C-Max Builds. However, I don't understand why dealers don't check anything. A dealer should have caught all that.
  22. Have you looked at the proclip mounts?
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