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Everything posted by zhackwyatt

  1. I decided to keep Trip 1 for every Oil Change and Trip 2 for every Gas tank, and lifetime for lifetime.
  2. Absolutely. Although I think folks are talking about towing the C-Max behind a motor home, not towing something with the C-Max.
  3. Yes you call Sync Services, but i does not use a free call. The free call you are talking about (I think) is the 60 complimentary operator assist sessions. These are for when you have to talk to a person on sync services because the services computer voice prompts isn't working for you. Using mapquest is free and it willl start the download to the car as soon as you make the call.
  4. Unfortunately for Android they are all different. Every device has a different hardware and different bluetooth drivers.
  5. You'll lose out on Regen I think by doing that.
  6. Rumors of a more efficient ICE. http://www.blueovalforums.com/forums/index.php?/topic/53402-any-unofficial-rumors-of-2014-c-max-changes-in-content-or-paint-colors/
  7. For those of you that know me you should know I like polls :) So here is one on MFT. Please note that for the 3rd question, I'm trying to gauge how much people like the system assuming it was always stable. Stable meaning never crashed, never had a problem with phone book download, never had a problem with indexing music, never had a problem with GPS/Navigation etc. (That's all for the 2nd question.) How well do you like the amount and types of features available, how easy it is to use, how do you like the design, etc.? Remember MFT includes Center Touch ScreenVoice capabilities (normal sync)The right display on the instrument cluster.(Note I used to be able to add more questions to polls, but for some reason I can only add 3. I'm not a mod so I can't fix this :( but I'd like to add more questions. Updated for 3.6.2.
  8. Hmm, makes sense to me. How long did it take you to get from Point A to Point B. That counts the 10 stop lights in between that I had to sit and wait at.
  9. For all the summary's I'd like to see average speed as well as average MPG, or possibly a average of the cruising, acceleration, and braking scores. May make it easier to compare results when we post the pictures on the forum :).
  10. GPS (Global Positioning System) is the technology behind the navigation feature. I think most people use the term interchangeably.
  11. I'm not 100% sure thats true. At least in my car, I hear the noise a lot, like just by touching a door handle. I've never had a battery problem.
  12. You do have applink if you have Sync. It's My Ford Touch that doesn't give you applink. What benefit to them would they gain by lying. I would say anyone who decides not to go to MFT because of Applink would be in the minority. Again, I don't agree with this. This is a specific sub-feature of another feature. IMHO it's your responsibility to do research before you buy something. This forum would have told you, and other googling would have told you. You are speculating to motives because you feel like you got screwed. Your salesman was wrong. Wouldn't be the first time that's happened. I would call your salesperson and have a chat about it. Which row are you referring to? I'm only seeing 1 USB line and it has 4 checkmarks. The benefit isn't to you. It's called empathy. How exactly did someone steal from you? I agree it seems stupid that MFT doesn't have the feature. Maybe there was a complex technical problem. Maybe enough people don't use the feature to justify it in v1 of MFT, then there were so many complaints about stability that they switched focus. I don't know. If you want to buy a car, or any product for that matter it is up to you to learn about that product. Why didn't you just assume it had Adaptive Cruise Control? The Ford Fusion Hybrid does. Again you are assigning motive to action. Maybe they could be clearer about the feature, but it doesn't mean they are intentionally lying. Maybe they are intentionally lying. My original point was the Chauntay didn't decide to kill the Applink feature in MFT. I'm not going to pursue the discussion further with you because we've (or I) have already hijacked this thread from it's original intent. Feel free to PM me if you want to discuss further.
  13. They repeat what they are told. They aren't the ones that make the business decisions. Where on here does it say AppLink is available for My Ford Touch? http://www.ford.com/technology/sync/packages/
  14. Ah, a very professional conversation with a customer support representative; someone who is just trying to make money to support their family. Nicely done.
  15. That still doesn't make sense because they are already installing it in vehicles coming off the line.
  16. Is there a part number? How am I supposed to get a hold of one of these?
  17. From the FAQ: http://www.fuelly.com/faq/?full=1 I don't really quite understand their reasoning. They track the C-Max Energi which operates on the same concept as the Volt.
  18. I started to believe you until you put BMW and "driving considerably slower" in the same story :) Today I was waiting to get my hair cut and this guy came up and said "Are you the one who drives the C-Max?" I was like oh great, what did he do to it? "How do you like it?" Phew, I told him I loved it. He then asked if it was full electric or a hybrid. He said he was looking at buying a ford.
  19. It doesn't really charge my phone, but it keeps it from dropping. I think its just enough current to maintain the battery (I have an EVO 4g LTE).
  20. It's a way of driving. The idea is that at high speeds you want the battery fully charged so the Gas engine (the ICE) does nothing but propel the car forward. When doing this I can get above 40mpg at 70mph. If you drop down into EV mode, then when you get back up to speed, the car charges the battery with the ICE, getting you about 10-20 mpg while doing so. My style of driving is basically, stay in EV mode as much as possible on surface streets (except I accelerate normally in Gas then switch to EV when I reach my desired speed) and stay out of EV as much as possible on the freeway. This prevents my battery from draining requiring a recharge of it via the ICE. On the surface streets, I get some battery back by Regen braking. Also, on the surface streets, you can go much farther in EV mode than the it takes the distance to charge up the battery. I'm struggling with how to explain this. Let's say you start off with a nearly empty battery. The car goes X miles on the surface street getting around 15 mpg charging that battery up. After it reaches enough charge the car switches to EV mode. The car can go farther in EV mode (N miles) than it took in charging up the battery to get into EV mode in the first place (i.e. N > X miles). On the highway, it takes more energy to propel the car forward, so the difference between N and X is smaller and in some circumstances may even be reversed. So the idea is to stop draining that battery and just let the ICE be as efficient as it can be at highway speeds.
  21. Well then, taxing my income is punishment for making money...oh wait, that's exactly what it is :) http://fairtax.org I'm not a proponent of using the tax code to manipulate behavior.
  22. I'm constantly adjusting that mirror and I never change the seat height. It's a stiff mirror, so I doubt it's just dropping in the middle of the night. However there is no "wiggle room". The mirror has to be perfectly aligned to be able to see the entire back window. Maybe that's why I notice it more.
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