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Everything posted by kc1174

  1. Oops - I responded in another thread and not the one I started.. anyway, here's the info: http://fordcmaxhybridforum.com/topic/1816-wheres-the-cabin-air-filter/?p=36190
  2. Found the cabin air filter while under there messing with the fuses. It's the same setup as the Focus. Here's a (ridiculously long winded) video: And here's the filter on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008PJDOSS/ref=oh_details_o01_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  3. Finally! Although I haven't really been tracking it until this tank. Only mod is GasPods and had to quit with some range remaining :/ Also, some of this tank was 42 mpg with me running late for work twice and gunning it down I-4. Btw - had my car since January... not many miles.
  4. Thanks! Finally some photos! :happy feet: Now to see if this works...
  5. kc1174

    Dashcam view

    From the album: Random

  6. kc1174


    From the album: Random

  7. kc1174

    Magic Pro

    From the album: Random

  8. kc1174

    Magic Pro

    From the album: Random

  9. kc1174

    Earth Point

    From the album: Random

    To the right, below the glovebox
  10. kc1174

    Hardwire setup

    From the album: Random

    Top - always live Bottom - accessory
  11. kc1174

    600 :)

    From the album: Random

  12. I had some issues early on back in March - black trim behind the rear seats just below the small windows popped out. Best advice is a visit to the dealer if possible. My overhead panels (both) do appear to be maybe warping with the squeaks coming from them, but a can of silicone lubricant and a microfiber cloth took care of the noise (and on the noisy door panels - especially the door handles where they meet the surrounding panels). Let us know how you get on.
  13. Since it's been a few weeks, figured I'd give an update on the Magic Pro and battery. Have it set to 12V and 12 hours (whichever happens first, it cuts out). Absolutely no issues whatsoever. It recorded a storm for 3 hours last week at night (sensitivity settings on the cam were a bit too sensitive I guess), and the battery was at 13.1V when I fired her up. The hardwiring/fuse taps are holding up too, and after spending so long under the glovebox, I now know where the cabin air filter is (black panel to the left - undo silver screw at the bottom, pop off the panel and it's in there). Looks a pain in the rear, but at least now I know. Have to find that thread where folk were asking..
  14. Just the usual forward facing camera. It's got a good wide angle like a GoPro. Agree it would be nice to have more but not really feasible or cost effective. If Google have any 360° street view cameras spare that go on the inside with a parking mode at maybe 4K resolution, I'd swap out, but for now I'm happy. The camera flashes so in addition to the OEM perimeter alarm I had installed, this gives me a bit more confidence. Also, here in FL, there's only rear license plates, so a rear cam won't do much and if someone rear ends me, it's usually a given it's their fault especially if I have the front end video to back up I wasn't driving badly. If I had the ability to upload a photo, I would but it still says I can't. Sucks...
  15. Yup the power magic pro (should) take care of this. You set the minimum voltage threshold in parking mode and if/when the voltage drops below that figure, it cuts the power. The threshold values set via jumpers are 11.8V, 12V, 22.8V and 23.2V. I went with 12. It only uses power if the dashcam is running and it only runs in parking mode if it senses movement. There's some power in the dashcam to sense movement without the 12V, but to run it needs the 12V.
  16. Trying to upload some photos, but getting a message "You can upload up to Uploading is not allowed of files (Max. single file size: 10MB)". Anyone know what this means?
  17. Hey, I found that the whole metal bar just behind the plastic trim under the glovebox is an earth. There are a couple of bolts on either end, so used the one on the right. Just finished installing the power magic thing and everything seems to be working ok. Ended up using the 5A 81 power sun shade (again SE and no panoramic roof), as 62 didn't allow me to get the add-a-fuse in. Basically the box runs on accessory power when the car is running, and drops down to live when the car's off. Tested the live by leaving my cell in the car, plugged in and having an S4, there's a light to show it's still charging or full. Left it in for an hour with a low battery and it was still charging. Got back in, the Scangauge gave me 12.5V, and the power magic went into accessory when I started her up. The power magic is now safely tucked away in the glovebox. Am on my cell at the moment, but I took some photos and will post them up later. The whole thing was actually pretty simple to throw together once I had the fuses figured out (and simple to unhook and hide should I ever need warranty work...)
  18. Made some progress today - found an always live fuse - 65 10A liftgate release. Got a multimeter and just waited until the interior lights went out - maybe 10 mins or so. I'll likely use 62 (the autowipers/auto mirror I don't have in my SE) for the accessory power. The spare fuse location I didn't check simply because the add-a-fuses don't support greater than 20A total, so wanted to stick with the 5, 7.5, and 10A fuses. Will post back later when it cools down and I get chance to put this together and see how things go. Thanks!
  19. Just a quick update - the mobile site appears to be working again now :) Received an email from Robert earlier and all is well. Even works on my iAlarm 4S.
  20. Hey! I appreciate the help here. I'd take photos but a description is probably best anyway. The passenger fuse panel is under the glovebox. You have to remove the felt cover - there's two black plastic clips holding it up - press them in at the sides and pull the clips down - the cover should come down although it tends to stick on the left hand side sometimes (I think this is where the cabin air filter goes - maybe). The fuse panel is up almost behind the glove box, left of center. It's not easily accessible to be honest, so if it looks too much it's ok. I hadn't considered the volt meter. If you're able to help though this would be great!
  21. I have a dashcam and am looking to hardwire a Power Magic Pro through the passenger fuse panel. This keeps the dashcam running but shuts off if it senses the car 12V battery drops below a certain threshold. It needs an accessory fuse, an always live fuse (but am unsure which if any are always live), and an earth. Has anyone any experience installing one of these, or knows which fuse may be live and where an earth point might be in the passenger compartment? My assumption is 59 (passive anti-theft) is live, but not so sure on pulling that. Since our fuses are the mini ATM fuses, I'm going the "add-a-fuse/circuit" route, so limited to a 10A fuse. I know the rear 12V point in the trunk is always live, but don't want to have to worry about the battery or install an extension through the headliner. Any help would be appreciated.
  22. I use the magnetic Gaspods, and mostly hand wash but took it through a touch free carwash at the weekend and I think one of the end pods moved a bit, but not much. Not so sure about carwashes with the rotating cloth/foam brushes though. My thoughts are the magnetic pods would come off. The adhesive ones though should stay attached. Not sure if Susanne is here to give more info, but this is my experience.
  23. TBH I wasn't so sure about it either at first, but the RPM and instant MPG are definitely keeping me in check with ICE. State of charge is pretty useful too as it's more accurate than the battery on the display. Plus being originally from England, I drive in Doc Martens quite a bit, so the throttle needs any extra control it can get.. To think, back in January I was relying on the leaves.. Anyway - got off topic there - back to the pods!
  24. There's no X-Gauge code in the Scangauge for this? :)
  25. It could just be me and mtb experiencing a less dirty rear, so to speak, but think the airflow is improved at some speed, so maybe 40 to 50. The weather has been steady here so gave me a good test environment so was able to compare the cleanliness before and after relatively well. Not sure the pods do much at city speeds, so airflow likely isn't much different. The pods were dirty though, and much more of a pain to clean than the bumper, so not sure if this is a benefit, but the car looks cleaner with em, and of course the FE seems better too.
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