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Everything posted by zalusky

  1. I brought home 4 10 foot pipes from the Depot the other day as well. It was close though. I learned to make sure I have some padding material after that. I had to take my shirt off and stick it in front of the pipe which was a few inches from the windshield.
  2. Wow that article must have scared them or maybe they just screwed up the ad and its really an SE.
  3. What's interesting is that MFT is in many of their other vehicles so why does the CMAX get the big ding?
  4. We bought two, My wife's arrived a month after mine. My fit and finish was perfect. Her's had some scuff marks on the drivers side plastic runners which they took care ot. Other than the TSB issues which have now been fixed (on the first try) we have not had any issues. I had more issues on my other vehicles: Chrysler Minivan, and a VW Scirocco than I have had on this one. My average MPG as of right now is 47.5 with a 40 mile round trip commute. I did reset the running average once the breaking was over and warm weather started and after a stupid mistake when I left it on for 4 hours while attending a hockey game. No complaints here but I would like to see better Apple and Siri integration so I dont have to rely on builtin applications.
  5. I remember buying my first new car a 79 VW Scirocco. I bought a lot of aftermarket stuff to try to fancy it up. I should have just bought the higher end model. Over the years I spent WAY money replacing things with aftermarket products. I did the same thing on my Chrylser Minivan. I really enjoy the rain sensor wipers, auto headlights, push button start everyday. I could easily get sheekskin or something equivalent if the leather was a big deal. We have had some hot days and it hasn't been an issue. It does clean a lot easier when you have that soda or ketchup spill.
  6. I like leather but that aside there are too many other features on the SEL to ignore. If I really wanted to hide the leather I would get some seat covers.
  7. Well Apple did say that Siri was going to use Bing so hopefully Microsoft can reciprocate with some prodding from Ford.
  8. I suppose I could I swap license plates, she will never know!
  9. My wife and I bought the exact same cars approx last December. Mine is a month older. My lifetime average is about 45.1 MPG with 6000 miles on it. Her lifetime average is about 37 MPG with 1200 miles on it. She drives about 1.5 miles to work and I drive 20 miles to work half of which is a freeway. Clearly the big difference is the warmup factor and to some extent break in.
  10. Still waiting to get my car back but I went to syncmyride and see that it now says 3.5.1 so something is going on.
  11. My wife and I both bought SEL CMAX's. She is 5 feet even. I have never heard her complain about being able to adjust the ergnomics.
  12. +1 +1 +1 I check every week. WHEN ARE GETTING TAPATALK! Give us a freaking straight answer so we can stop bugging you!!!
  13. Scary - there should be a way to disable this completely. I can understand maybe in a midwest winter you might want to start and warm the car but that what remote start is about. If you walk away without the FOB it should stop the car. What if your carjacked and the guy tries to drive away. It should stop.
  14. We went to the sharks game tonight. We were out and about for probably 5 hours. As we left the arena to walk across the street to get our car. I am wondering why are the lights on. As I approached I could hear the engine running. I guess I either forgot to shut it off or stutter punched the button when I parked it. Sadlt, It shot my average down from 45.6 down to 45.0. Has this hever happened to anybody else? I think the car should beep at you if you try to lock it with the engine on and walk away with the FOB.
  15. Full SIri integration - IE find business XXX and start a navagation to it via the voice button or play songs on my phone. Better screen options on the right side display. The leaves don't do it for me. Better center console storage options
  16. ************************************ MOD Updated: No personal attacks please. We all know its frustrating, some work some doesn't, lets all keep it cool everyone :)
  17. I reset my average after breakin and my average for the last 100 or so is now at 45.3. I think I will probably peg right around the acclaimed 47 value. I commute 20 miles each way to work on the freeway but I don't generally go above 60 due to traffic.
  18. I showed ours in another thread but here they are again.
  19. So I created an online whitehouse petition. If your interested to sign go here: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/create-auto-regulation-all-cars-have-average-and-instantaneous-fuel-mileage-indicators/blsvqbV0
  20. The whole car is practically filled with regulatory stuff so I don't think we need to go down the political route here. I am thinking more about instant feedback and how it might affect the masses.
  21. You know I was thinking about the Prius effect and now the CMAX effect where you get instant mileage and average mileage feedback. That feedback causes us to drive more efficiently almost like a video game. I think it would be interesting if the government created a regulation where all cars regardless of technology gave that sort of instant feedback how that might change driving behavior and perhaps save a lot of fuel. It seems to me that when you don't have that feedback you sort of pay attention to other things like aggressive drivers and such stuff but with that feedback I find myself staying in the slow lane and not wanting zig and zag. Am I nuts or do you think it would dramatically change beahvior just like the idea of video games in urinals is starting to do.
  22. My average is up to 44.7 now. Going to work is about 20 miles with a slight downhil and I am getting around 50MPG. Going home I am getting around 44. The real trick is to keep the speed about 60.
  23. So much for rollout in the first quarter!
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