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Everything posted by RachelnLa

  1. I use to swing my foot to the side but now I kick straight forward and back. I do get the "nudge" now and again. Another kick and it finishes popping open.
  2. Ron! You KNOW you love me!
  3. Weenies? Roast me and throw me on a bun lol
  4. Great trip! I would drive up and down the road with the gas stations lol. Mine turned to yellow and I freaked. YELLOW!?!? Then I checked and I have 50-something miles til empty. I am still getting use to it. Decisions, decisions. What to do!?!
  5. They make a mat for the dead pedal yet the cmax mats themselves do to cover the dead pedal??!! That's insane.
  6. Well, I am on a mission to find out if the car we have been seeing around town is a cmax.
  7. Exactly my thoughts! 40 is awesome compared to my Tahoe! If all I get is 40 to drive 68mph being comfy - I WILL TAKE IT. Thanks for the feedback. I will try next time to remember turning off the ac to see the difference.
  8. I must not be doing something right. I tried this going to and from our camp. I set the cruise at 70 and then started bumping it down. I had high battery but the highest mpg I could get was 40! It just would not cross over the 40 line. It was in the high 70s and I had the ac on low about 68 degrees. Suggestions?
  9. I could argue that drinking/eating anything while in a moving vehicle is hazardous. It's a risk we take. The validity of one thing versus another is very different to each individual. I find most lawsuits are stupid and only make the lawyers rich. BYW, I love mcds coffee. Yum!
  10. Ahh! Maybe that's what I saw the other day! Hubby and I keep thinking its a cmax but I noticed the wheels were different. It looks very much like the cmax.
  11. Enjoyed reading that. I am loving my car too. We are at the camp and have to enter our land on a right away. The neighbor has several yappy dogs who the instant they hear a vehicle they chase and bark at it. A quick run to the store this morning and no dogs. Even they didn't hear my EV!
  12. Yeah. I was just checking the board for an update. Enjoy your baby!!!!
  13. Love hearing these stories!!!
  14. Yikes. Sorry. But yippie! The excitement begins all over again.
  15. Eeeep!! How exciting!!!!
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