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Everything posted by RachelnLa

  1. Love my ice storm. I find it more pale blue than green but love it. There are two cmaxs the same color in my town with one being my friend. They are easy to spot due to the color. I have seen some escapes in a color very similar. The ice storm never looks dirty. Gotta love that!!
  2. Mom and dad brought the twins in for the hatch update. When they returned my car they mentioned there was going to be a recall on the liners. I am wondering if this is what they are talking about.
  3. Neat! Sometimes when waiting for hubby to get in the car I will back out of the garage so the sirius radio will play and just sit in reverse. He will walk behind the car and act silly, dancing around or putting his face really close to the camera because he knows the reverse screen is on. Crazy!
  4. Better late than never: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
  5. Is the owner of a silver cmax near Paul's valley on the message board? My husband is up that way and snapped a photo and txtd it to me. I love that man!
  6. RachelnLa

    Pen/Pencil Cups

    Thanks guys! That's pretty much how I pictured it.
  7. RachelnLa

    Pen/Pencil Cups

    Can I get a pic so I know what I am looking for?
  8. My Tahoe got 21 on the hwy. that was just a people in it-me! Did u enjoy the trip? Enjoy the ride? Enjoy the car? Win-win! Thanks for sharing your findings. It is neat to see the many variables.
  9. That's the pits. I know you had problems before with a headset and the car. Have you tried using another phone or that phone minus the headset? Just tossing out ideas.
  10. Love: keyless Dislike: lack of storage in the car
  11. I don't like the auto ac. I found I get hot. Fast.
  12. The 600 before me will probably happen. Signing up here will not hahahaha
  13. My dad was highly impressed by your 833 mile tank. He easily gets 500 tanks.
  14. It's in settings in the nav. I know that's not much help but I am not near the car and cannot look. I did try voice activation to mute but didn't work. Once thd settings come up its in the right-sided column, second down. I think. Argh.
  15. I use cruise when there is a stretch of road no matter how small. Adjust your seat distance and height. I sat very close due to being short. My thigh was killing me. Then I inched the seat back and adjusted the steering wheel height and scoped it more out and that helped.
  16. Bob, I feel your numbers! Once the HOT weather took over my numbers sank. They are slowly climbing but I have to watch closely. Overall, I am so happy with my car.
  17. Love the limit feature. Found it accurate in my travels. Rats! I just filled up and was in the red. Will have to try it next time.
  18. Whaaat??? Jus!!! Holy Toledo. Good grief! How awesome is THAT??? It's hot here- upper 90s but I am trying my best. Still hitting 450 tanks. Ugh. Summer lasts a looong time down south. But you are rocking it! Congrats!!!!
  19. If they sell the car they have to have a hybrid tech.
  20. Love it. Respect for each others choice :)
  21. Bought mine at Walmart. Size XL. I use them up and down instead of sidewise. Works for me!
  22. Once you hit replay a white line shows with a counter to the left and rewind, pause/olay and fast forward buttons. It's pretty much recording. Hit the rewind a few times once you have let it record for a bit. You will notice its playing what you already listened to. It seems to track from right to left instead of left to right.
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