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Everything posted by Jus-A-CMax

  1. All I know is that when I took them off, I got worse results..but I ain't scientific...maybe my ubber subconscious-mental-telepathy-to-my-right-foot works better with those fins in the back. Who knows, but I like them on as well, look good :) Did 65 miles city on exactly 1 gallon, guess what the MPG was for the day?!?!? Thats a toughie.... :baby:
  2. Don't worry, even I don't know why there is 2....but they say, 2 is better than 1. We have WAY MORE POSTS and interesting stuff anyway..... :dance:
  3. My wife and I were invited to the Galpin Jaguar launch of the F type. So we got up close and personal with the F. Personally, having driven the XK - I'll take that baby over the F. Its more power and I like the more space in a coupe and refinements. The XK Is sweet, sweet, sweet. SG, my wife cannot be talked out of the Vanden Plas. She drives it for safety as well because she's been t-boned by some AAA driver in the morning who claims to have "never been in such accidents" and admitted liability and then lies afterward, scum. She was OK but it totalled another Vanden Plas and it was a young Vanden Plas as well, only had 40K on it. So she likes a Jag but she does not drive long distances any more. As long as I keep racking up my 800+ mile tanks to-from work, we are good. Working on my 7th 800 tank now (god knows how many 600s and 700s tanks I had already added to it)...and the CMax is singing pretty in the MPG. I don't know how people only get 36MPG driving city, I really don't but if anyone wants a CMax driving lesson, I would give it...easy peasy, nice & easy...(literally it's that with the right pedal).
  4. First impression is the best - just like in golf, the 1st club you pull is generally the true club to use. So yeah - I suspect it's true - people like to validate what they purchased is the best for them, human nature. The real question, Brother Mike, is whether this guy truly has a need for all that extra room and space, was he a commercial driver? As you know my wife and I drive to Mammoth all the time and we really load up the CMax, we're not small packers - at least not my wifey. All our gear use to be carried by a "long extended" Jaguar XJ Vanden Plas AS WELL as a large Jaguar Thule box on the roof rack - now everything fits into the CMax. Its huge in the CMax aka TARDIS (if you don't know what a Tardis is, go google it). Also, my hunch is that he's also a former Prius owner. At the end of the day - no matter who approaches you about the CMax - if you're happy and you clearly are, thats all that count :)
  5. Hee...add me to the fanboy, chalked up another 800 mile tank this evening and zero battery problems. Ok, so I got clonked by the tailgate as I changed my golf shoes...me bad. And I own a SEL built October 2012. Op, thanks for posting your thoughts, its much appreciated. You have to call it as you see it and I love the Subbies, but the more gruntier kind, Sti baby :rockon: but I'll take a GTR over that - if it came to a choice. Hypermiling the CMax is so much fun especially when I drive past the numerous gas stations here full of big fat SUVs at $4.25 a gallon gas, but occassionally I drive my - umh - my wife's Jaguar Vanden Plas, just to feel the smooth limousine and gentle grunt of her V8 ;) ..read it anyway u like :dance: The way I see this, I save on gas and spend it on the beers while I golf. Cheers and again, appreciate your thoughts and sharing them with this forum. Jus another CMax Fan Boy :drool:
  6. Good luck Paul, and bring plenty of COLD water. No AC and slow speeds...ugh. Thats too much, I'll stick to my city driving.
  7. :lol2: adrian, thanks for the laughs :thumbsup:
  8. I just beat my best again today driving to work. Truly, truly insane MPGs.
  9. ...ah, there were days when all these young grasshoppers were dreaming about the 600 tank, like dreaming to fly to the moon. Now it's like a drive to the corner coffee shop.
  10. Its brave when you carry a spare tank :) I ain't dumb enuf to run the red without it. Got this today - BEST ever drive to work, yet....didn't even feel any special and finished the day..pulling into the garage with 65.9MPG. This car is INSANE :happy feet:
  11. Nope Brother Mike, not been up north - only to Mammoth. If you like, we can catch up @ Mammoth sometime ;). Did you see that Post I left for you in "The Bar?" Something special.....(if u haven't seen it already) Platinum SEL would be nice BUT I think they may overweight the CMax with more luxury stuff that you would not use. The SEL is pretty darn good as it is, IMveryHO. :)
  12. @Ashley - much appreciated, as always :) I think you really do have my details and if Ford wants to download anything from my CMax, go ahead. Its been unbelievably good (well..as soon as I typed that, I recall some weird MFT issues now and then with my USB like playlist go AWOL and returning the next start up). Anyway, I digress - thanks!
  13. Telling me, I was lucky to be involved in a number of surveys too which all adds up to some nice car payments - but unfortunately, one of them TRASHED my car thanks to a rear ender by a BMW driver arrested in a DUI. CMax is like new now but the owner is not so, not yet.
  14. @Ashley aka Ford Service - please pay attention. Laurel makes a great point. Sometimes, Ford should peep in now and then and learn sometime from REAL OWNERs dealing with REAL DEALERS (or lack thereof), not some bogus surveys. ps while I am @ it, KUDOS to Galpin Ford - Brandon Boeckmann & Tom Swire, they run a great and tight ship there!
  15. you jus never know.... ;) Hang in there buddy :rockon:
  16. morons. & thats close to home as well. *sigh*
  17. Well done! So you better hide Mr.Snow Storm. Consumer Report will be after you for making LIES out of their report that the CMax is a 38MPG car. :airquote: Your stat are not beliveable, is their response ;) Ah..to hell with CR, this CMax gets better and better - especially in the under 50mph roads. Or City :)
  18. Yep, cars are bad investments unless you are into the classics. Oh, I wish I had the E-type... Anyway, I knew what I was heading to with my Oct 2012 build C-Max and its been running extremely well - both in the heat and the snowy conditions of Mammoth. Aside from 1 odd warning message and the lack of a tire replacement, its been smooth sailing and GREAT MPGs as well. I think I am going to hit my 6th 800+ mile tank with this one. Thats 4800+ miles on 78 gallons of gas, gotta :flirt: Maxine. ps talk about lemons, fancy plonking $50K on a 2004 Jaguar XJ thats been to the shop 20+ time and we are talking 3+ days at a time? Galpin Jaguar really took care of us but they never quite solved the issue and they replaced many part. As it turned out, my wife correctly diagnosed the issue to a loose wire just under the stick shift that, under the right CRAPPY roads here in the Los Angeles street, would short and cause electronic havoc - who needs the Chinese electronic warfare, the 04 Jag did a better job ;) However, never once did my wife and I considered a lemon (well I did) but she loved Jaguars and each time, we got to drive the next S-Type, XF and I got the XK once. Jus amazing how the dealer treats you makes your issues a lot more palatable. Currently, my CMax has been way more reliable than her 06 Jaguar. Go CMax :rockon: ...and better MPGs too :drool:
  19. Oi...theres no need for personal attack Paul. He's only offering suggestions. I understand you have CMax and personal issues so move your CMax on - do what you have to do to get rifd of that CMax - its a lemon and not all Ford dealers are great or responsive. Thousands of cars are made, not all of them are good. Mine is an Oct 2012 build and its been perfect. So I will always contrast my story with yours and for the issues that I have had, Galpin Ford has always taken care of biz. Selecting a good dealer with a nice service record is crucial. It sounds like your dealer has passed the buck too many times. As well, Ford reps are on this forum - Ashley. Feel free to PM them to get them involved with your case. Anyway - please back off the personal attacks, its not called for. Thanks.
  20. Behind Mazda 5 (1st) and Kia Soul in the Initial Quality Survey 2014. I am surprised no one has posted this up yet... http://money.cnn.com/gallery/autos/2014/06/18/jd-power-initial-quality-best-cars/14.html
  21. I have to agree with Frank, I have 31,000+ miles and the interior is still holding,well and nothing wrong. Nothing K-Mart here at all. Don't forget, my car was rear-ended as well so if anything, I should be hearing the squeeks. The only complaint I have is the unfinished area right under the steeing wheel and back, it looks bad but my life in the car does not involve looking in that area - unless I am screwed, heading off the cliff and its my last chance to kiss my ass goodbye :drop:
  22. Follow what Paul says, those grill covers work - ABLIET - don't climb long grades with them, even if it si 28F outside...I can hear Paul tapping his keyboard - there goes that whack grade climbing nut job again.... :sos:
  23. :clapping: Ah so u jus validated Jus wasn't that crazy, speed freak long grade climbing nut job with lexan grill covers - u now have that title :lol2: In jest, friend :hat_tip: I did the Cajone run yesterday without the lower grill cover - and it was fine. In fact, I was climbing that grade at 63 mph eco, temps stayed in the middle, External was 73F. I think I will leave the middle cover on. Its a nice balance between saving the heat in the morning, aero efficiency. The lower grill cover is more of an air dam than a aero mod, imho so its now off permamently. Drive on :shift:
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