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Everything posted by C-MaxSea

  1. Very nice MSmith, that is looking like a possible 600 mile tank. (Don't go dry finding out though)
  2. Very good point on the gas prices, Foto - amazing how those peaks & valleys have an effect. I have not looked, but I think some sales slipped over to the Focus. (Not to mention a TON of Prius advertising, here at least)
  3. Model year end slump, EPA nonsense, a firm 'right-cross' from the competition, 13th month - take your pick, or all of the above? (A great 40-45 mpg car fading into the dust heap of erroneous perceptions/missed expectations/bad (media generated) first impressions? They all say the same thing, more or less; sad) (Ford sales up, cruising along; C-Max getting spanked - take it out on the kid, rather than the father who erred) C-Max off 40.9% from August, Prius V off 38.4% from August (labor day sales tracked in August inflating that month a bit?) C-Max Hybrid Prius V Sep 12 969 3088 Oct 12 3038 2769 Nov 12 3589 2690 Dec 12 3339 2992 Jan 13 2387 2522 Feb 13 2849 2543 Mar 13 3275 3460 Apr 13 3197 3372 May 13 3261 3732 Jun 13 2889 2987 Jul 13 2267 3428 Aug 13 2411 3932 Sep 13 1424 2422 Great start C-Max, Cheers to an even better 2014!
  4. Hmmm, Mustang?, Ford Service center?, Flex?, Escape?, I think Ford flipped them a nickel on that add. Now there is a subliminal conspiracy for you. (Or do they own Nationwide?)
  5. My WAG on the 12v battery is that it is certainly a serious issue for some/many (& certainly for the mother ship), but perhaps not a large percentage; and that its' causes may vary, and that there are compounding factors. For example, I believe that Drd mentioned that once a battery is drained real hard, upon recharge, it may never hold a charge as well again, regardless the 'fix' applied to the system. I was also reminded of the other compounding issue at a park recently where the AAA guy was pulling up next to a brand new Honda Fit. Perhaps some batteries just don't measure up (and we do occasionally misfire ourselves ;) ) ? Yes there very well may be some unresolved system bug/fix yet to be discovered. IOW - IAE. Just WAGing. Would love to know the actual numbers, including how many have been 'fixed' and are flying around next to us. :) Aug. 2012 build SEL with fingers (& hopefully not wires) crossed.
  6. Our keyless entry has worked from day one back in January. Took a little practice, but works flawlessly once you get the hang of it. Touch button (do not grab handle) - lock, pause; slip hand behind handle - viola, unlock. Nick
  7. Cool, :mail: !!! But oh, so mysterious, ooooooo. :detective: The power of California in shaping the nation! :gaah: :gaah: :gaah: Nick
  8. Matt, Any update comments on your mods & MPGs? I would love to see a close-up on your Lexan wheel covers. Did you do the front grilles & spoiler? Driving light covers................. Nick
  9. Actually it was "drive by committee" / 'who wants to turn, let's have a show of hands', Jus, with their centric dash. The driver is merely a zombie working at the behest of the passengers & their whims. I think Toyota sells a 'dummy' drivers console that velcros in front of any would be Prius buyer struggling with the purchase. (Strongly dislike that dark grey they sell - no pizazz.) I'm sure if I drove one I would love it though - eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. Having fun, Nick PS Many Prii have been known to wander the interstates running out of gas, when no passengers were present to caste a vote. PSS Hilarious to see the Prius singled out for baby crunching - that add will be pulled in very short order. (the shoe could just as easily be on the other foot, of course)
  10. Thanks Laurel. Yes, I'm almost certain all that I've seen were SEs. Nick
  11. Ooooh, LEXAN pizza wheel covers - now we're talking, sounds interesting! Nick
  12. I think the Grand C-Max has rails, and a removable center tot seat; not to mention tot/mom/dad friendly doors. Probably not convertible to hybrid though - no room for a big lithium battery. http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=grand+C-Max+video&qpvt=grand+C-Max+video&FORM=VDRE#view=detail&mid=7630CED326A9F29636E07630CED326A9F29636E0 http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=grand+C-Max+video&qpvt=grand+C-Max+video&FORM=VDRE#view=detail&mid=EA2F40A0373DAE8F1839EA2F40A0373DAE8F1839
  13. C-Max cleans up! :cleaning: Stumbled into the first one in the neighborhood, then a couple days later, stumbled into a lot full of them, purely coincidence. Nice to see that our C-Max won 10 to 5. :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: (I'll take a eurobox over a pancake any day!) Just having fun, Nick PS Ford fleet sales could very well be just cooking. I noticed a City of Seattle C-Max (also white), so I will look into what they may have purchased.
  14. Fantastic Homestead, who would even think to try? Now we will ! Perfect fit is right. Gets to those magic numbers of width height & length - subject to wiggling in awkward shapes & diagonal pieces.................. Thanks. Nick
  15. You are right Jus, I have been whimping/wimping/vimping/vamping out!!! :nonono: I put 45 in yesterday, and they were still plenty soft, inching up to 47,48????? To be clear, Is that 46 front, 50 rear? I have always maintained that driving 'at recommended pressure' required filling up at 2 or 3 over, since lazy dudes like me only check once or twice a year, and they only leak over time. Therefore I started at 41, got bold and went to 43, bolder yesterday and went to 45, whoo-hoo here comes 46/50 :woohoo: ? (Dreamin of pizza pans - not, but 700 - Argh, a chip I may carry on my shoulder until next Summer) Thanks for the kick, Nick Odd thing is, I have always filled my utility vehicle tires to at or near max - never had a problem. Another Sidebar note: 45psi felt real nice on yesterday's 50 mile fair weather, dry pavement 50MPG jaunt. Hmmm winter traction - I may want to drop back to 42/43? (All subject to loads, of course!)
  16. Hey homestead, any chance you have a picture of that? If so, would love to see it in this thread: http://fordcmaxhybridforum.com/topic/2800-whats-in-your-c-max-today/ We had a good start on this previous thread. "What's in Your C-Max Today" Nick
  17. Thanks for the great info PT. 4 Pizza pans, and you've got 900 in the bag! :play: :kookie: :kookie: :kookie: . Nick
  18. Here are my summer results from another thread showing some 13B07 improvements which cannot be measured, only guessed at: " I started the Summer around 42/43, with very limited Winter/Spring driving. My Summer run has been 47.9 before the update, and 47.6, 50.5, 47.0, & 49.5 since the update (Aug/Sep). That is about 6 MPG improvement, although you see I did do a 47.9 before the upgrade. I agree with drd that driving habits are the greatest factor in MPG numbers, mine included. Guessing at the MPG improvement I would say: break-in (10%, +0.6MPG), 13B07 update (20%, +1.2 MPG), better weather (30%, +1.8 MPG), better driving (40%, +2.4 MPG). Again, just a wild guess. I really think that most of us are actually driving more efficiently, intentionally or not, and for those who are, much better results." I am also driving at 42/43 PSI, but may ramp that up to 45 soon. Brake score 98%. Lifetime on dash - 47.5 MPG. roughly 4500 miles. Nick http://fordcmaxhybridforum.com/topic/2977-best-month-of-mpg-to-date/?do=findComment&comment=33510
  19. Nevertheless a nice series of tanks, Adair. We just started the Kroger game as well - cost me a 6xx mile tank the other day :cry: - can't argue with $1.00 off, saved $12. PS Your "Summer" numbers look a lot like Hannah's and mine (mine mostly post update 48, 47, 50, 47, 49) http://fordcmaxhybridforum.com/topic/2977-best-month-of-mpg-to-date/
  20. Adair, I see Jelly Bean is singing a very sweet tune these days - 46, 49, 48, 49. :gold_star: :gold_star: :gold_star: :gold_star: You must not have 'read the memo' either. Sweet, sweet Summer (& a nice hybrid foot there)! Nick Wait, hold the guacamole, did I see a 652 miles in there? You're holding out on us, a whole bunch of us got bumped by a Jelly Bean! Mucho Congrats!!!
  21. January 23 here Hannah. Won't forget that day, a lot of nervous sweating ............ first new car ................... 43,44,45.......all very good 'lifetime' numbers, all 'ahead of the curve'................. BTW, I contacted Fuelly to update the MPG ratings on the C-Max, and they are on it. Can't wait for the Fuelly correction, so that many more of us can see that we are closer to or 'ahead of' the curve. Again, 48 ish over a whole month (August) is great! Nick
  22. Peace & Love all. Jus made a fun post in #2, and Noah kind of took a cheap shot in # 6 suggesting that Jus and/or I or someone was turning a blind eye to C-Max imperfections/issues which is simply not the case. Neither Jus nor I are the least bit interested in sweeping any C-Max issues under the rug, both of us have introduced and/or discussed imperfections/issues all of the time as our experience dictates. Moreover, Jus has even had direct contact with Ford through the Tech session or whatever it was to give his feedback on C-Max issues - it does not get any better than that. I for one understand Jus's frustration at that post. Nick PS That is a great link Laurel, nice find, thanks for sharing: http://www.evworld.com/focus.cfm?cid=157 (Shows how the JDPowers stuff can warp perceptions.)
  23. wwwwwwwwWOW!!! Congrats PT. A new Champeen! Can't wait to dissect the details! (tire pressure, fuel rating, wind conditions, temp..........) Nick
  24. http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20131001/AUTO0102/310010100
  25. That is really sad to hear, Foto, and amazing at the same time - qualitative improvements and get bashed - sad. IMHO the 'bar' set for the C-Max is one of the highest out there - a shooting gallery with a florescent orange decoy. Just MHO. Nick
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