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Everything posted by DaveofDurham

  1. Got our C-Max back this afternoon. New seat heater switch installed. The driver seat once again has the capability to get hot, hot, hot.
  2. If you brought it to the dealer when the warranty was still in effect they need to keep working on it - doesn't matter that you are past warranty now.
  3. Brought our car in today to find out why the driver seat heater is not working. It wasn't the fuse or the wiring (or the snooze or the AM/PM or even the volume). It was the switch. They ordered a new switch which should come in tomorrow and sent us home in a black Focus. Jerry: (pause) So what happened? The snooze alarm, wasn’t it? Jean-Paul: Man, it wasn’t the snooze. Most people think it was the snooze, but no, no snooze. Jerry: AM/PM?!?!!! Jean-Paul: Man, it wasn’t the AM/PM. It was the volume. Jerry: Ah…the volume. Jean-Paul: Yes, the volume. There was a separate knob for the radio alarm. Jerry: Ah, separate knob. Jean-Paul: Yes, separate knob. Why separate knob?! Why separate knob?! (frustrated) Jerry: Some people like to have the radio alarm a little louder than the radio. Jean-Paul: Oh, please, man, please!
  4. My C-Max is included in this recall. I will keep my hair wet at all times to avoid spontaneous combustion.
  5. Crystal - Thank you for your offer of assistance. In the unlikely event that for some reason this gets to a point where escalating to higher powers is necessary and appropriate I will let you know. At this point I have not even alerted the excellent service department at my dealership about the existence of this problem. Dave
  6. Crystal - We just rolled past the 35,000 mile mark this morning. Why do you ask? Dave
  7. We had the seat back on our driver's seat replaced a few weeks ago per the recall. This morning it was cool and damp so I turned on the seat heater and no heat. The passenger seat was way hot with the dial set at 2. The driver seat did nothing with the dial set at 5. I hope this is simply a case of failure to reconnect an electrical connector when the new seat back was installed. Anyone else had this problem after having the seat back recall done?
  8. I never know what I am going to learn on this forum. I didn't know that the US spelling of the word for one thousandth of a dollar is mill or mille. I thought it was mil which is apparently the UK spelling for the currency/financial unit. I knew that the US Mint had half-cent (5 mill) coins years ago. Did you parents have something of a smaller denomination? Was it from the US (federal) or from a state/local government? Are you finding gas stations that are ending their prices with the pennies and leaving off the 9/10'?
  9. Why? What happens or doesn't happen if you hit the off button without your foot on the brake pedal?
  10. One more gas station sign highlighting the power of the mil
  11. The mil (one thousandth of a dollar OR one tenth of a penny) still lives today! We C-Max owners may forget since we go longer between fill-ups, but gas stations use the mil in their pricing - it's the 9/10ths tagged on at the end. Except for Donny's Discount Gas where it's only 8/10ths! The mil (one thousandth of an inch) and tenths of a mil (one ten thousandth of an inch) are also used to specify and describe paint thickness - for example the base (color) coat on a car might be 1.2 mils thick and the clear coat 2.4 mils thick.
  12. That's mighty close to the catchphrase for the Food Lion spokeslion. "That's just my two cents."
  13. Great job catsailor. The crystal ball in our C-Max has predicted your future:
  14. Are you referring to the little pieces of foam that are in the spaces just in front of the bottom of the windshield and next to the front fenders? I get a little bit of tree debris accumulating on top of the foam. Much more accumulates in the spaces a little more forward and a lot more toward the center of the engine compartment right under the front of the hinges. These area have drain slots that are easily blocked which results in pooling water when it rains.
  15. It's always that time of the year here. There is always something falling from the trees and we don't have a dry season. It only takes a leaf, pine needle, etc., or two to cover or clog the drain slot in the area where the tree debris collects. Once this happens water pools up and cannot get out. The first time this happened I had my dealer clean it out for me (no charge). They told me to watch this carefully because the water can wind up getting inside the vehicle.
  16. Dr. D. - Thans for reminding me of one of my favorite expressions. The first time I heard it was from one of two brothers who were the service managers at the two dealerships my father's shop did body work for. Their father used buy clunkers to fix up and sell. When the kids would say, "No one will ever buy that.", he would reply, "Don't worry boys, there is an a** for every seat."
  17. Whether or not it was required for opening the hatch, I would put the car in park if someone were loading or unloading luggage or getting in or out of the vehicle.
  18. Does Publix do this in states other than FL? They are just starting to have stores in NC. In the Charlotte area they have a few open and a bunch under construction. In the RTP area the first one will open soon in Cary and more are planned. Publix was rumored to be one of the potential buyers of Harris Teeter, which would have meant a lot of Publix stores very quickly but they wound up being bought by Kroger.
  19. About what? All of the items that have been found to be causes of inability to start car that are not mentioned in this TSB?
  20. So should all of us with 2013's should be expecting at least 3 years of Traffic and Travel Link® ? I wish.
  21. Oh, you are leasing. I suppose that could affect how things play out under a state lemon law.
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