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Hybrid Member
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Everything posted by darrelld

  1. In Plano they honk if you don't turn right on red while you sit beside 2 large signs clearly prohibiting this. :)
  2. You can read the whole story here; http://www.greencarcongress.com/2012/12/cmax-20121215.html Fuelly data is important but I can manipulate the numbers anyway I want with a computer and keyboad. There are company's in China that for a fee will write a large number of reviews (good or bad) for any product you decide. A coworker did this to leverage an online company to replace a defective item he purchased. The EPA test is done in a lab and though flawed is the best source of comparison available. My issue with Consumer Reports is they clearly tested the Prius and achieved the worst city delta vs EPA of any hybrid made and said nothing to the media. You have to dig through their reviews to find this information. Hybrids do best and are usually purchased for their city mpg and the poor performance of the Prius should have been a bigger story. Fan boys also manipulate data, look at the person here with the Venza claiming to have averaged 32 mpg, this is clearly impossible to achieve.
  3. With my fuel filler inlet problem I have stopped tracking mpg. There is no way to fill consistently until its fixed, parts are on order. In the mean time I have been enjoying the C-Max more and just going with traffic.
  4. http://www.motortrend.com/oftheyear/car/1301_2013_motor_trend_car_of_the_year_contenders_and_finalists/viewall.html
  5. I would probably do it but insist in exchange a Fusion Hybrid or another C-Max for the loaner.
  6. Hello and welcome to the early adopters club.
  7. An auto forum is like a visit to your doctors office, most people come to report problems and discuss issues.
  8. This is a common issue to Nav systems in general. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automotive_navigation_system
  9. When you see results like this without the media frenzy Ford has endured, I have come to a different conclusion.Ford has mounted a credible challenge to the old guard and they are worried, fanboys will follow in defense.
  10. I got a Focus loaner when my C-Max was at the dealers overnight. Agree the C-Max has a much more refined ride.
  11. http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20130114/AUTO04/301140402 I welcome the test and the doubters will have to pick another topic.
  12. +1 The Jetta TDI I traded averaged 35 mpg on .60 more per gallon diesel while driving the same cycle. I would definately buy again.
  13. Fuelly users report the 2009 Toyota Venza average mpg at 20.6??? http://www.fuelly.com/car/toyota/venza
  14. Update: Just got off the phone with the service department and the parts that were used to fix my original check fuel filler inlet / check engine light has been redesigned and on backorder. They are estimating 2 weeks until the parts arrive. This will be the 3rd version of the part and I was advised the vehicle is ok to drive until the parts arrive. Maybe v3.5.1 of Sync will be available by then and I can have the update performed during service.
  15. ieSpell is good for Internet Explorer. Spell checking will finally be added natively in IE10.
  16. Once you install the Tapatalk forum interfaces, Tapatalk clients, iPad and iPhone versions will both work.
  17. There is a whole thread on this; http://fordcmaxhybridforum.com/index.php?/topic/491-check-engine-light/?hl=inlet&do=findComment&comment=1825 Seems like a batch of bad parts, the last repair lasted for about a month. After the repair I noticed my fillups were completely inconsistent. The fuel nozzle would shut off in a second or two and you would have to repeat that cycle over and over until the trip gallons consumed matched the pump. In an ironic contrast my 2010 VW Jetta TDI was in the shop a total of 3 times for 2 years of ownership. Twice for an air bag sensor light and once because the factory left out my seat heater fuse. I had high hopes Ford's quality was better than VW, only time will reveal if that's true.
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