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Everything posted by C-MaxSea

  1. But wait ............ :headscratch: :headscratch: :headscratch: ............ you're not trading in old Betsy, your 2015 Priii, she was sooo good (well almost good). Surely you would not try to fop it off on your beautiful wife, naw......................... you must be trading it in for the new sleeeeeeeeeeeeek 2016. Always the best for the Jus man. Jus-A-CMax that is ! (at least we think ? or has he doubled down on another Jaguar, hmmm) Nick
  2. Well, there you go Scott (didn't hurt at all, eh), and even with some cold weather and snow !!! Exceptional !!! Congrats & welcome to da club - you will be a climber for sure with your numbers - 700 + .............. all within your reach. :hat_tip: :hat_tip: :hat_tip: Nick
  3. Yee Haw !!! Can't wait to get me one of them there fall into, new fangled Priiiii - and 10.0 in a sprint at that - what a great upgrade & rockinin cool car !!! Not ! :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: Nick
  4. Scott. Those are stellar numbers putting you near the top for MPG's; but like Marc says - "they don't call it the 542 mile club" You had many 600's (& a couple 700's) in the bag on that stretch; no sweat, piece-of-cake. You might want to wait until next warm season now. We are all cheering for you, Nick
  5. Say it aint so, Bro Snow !!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :thud: (((more accident avoidance technology will certainly be welcome))) Nick
  6. Yes, jmckinley they have helped a fair number of folks here. No, it does not play out here on the forum, rather in the PMs, phone calls, e-mails & dealer visits we are not privy to. As Paul says: "We are lucky to have them." Thanks Brittany :), Meagan :), Crystal :) Nick
  7. Indeed some monetary familiarity; but corporate miscues radically different in scale in the big picture (hmmm ice cube vs small ice berg perhaps) - especially since the fundamental issue with VW is emissions & human health. Don’t like that they mess with cards, and really don’t like that the larger ‘half’ ($500-$750) can only be used at the dealership, that stinks. Nick
  8. and another view: Previously posted/created by someone else here I believe - with captions.
  9. Drip, drip, drip ............. Gasoline engines & CO2 emissions: http://www.usnews.com/news/business/articles/2015/11/04/volkswagen-shares-fall-after-new-emissions-revelation Stop sale Porsche & Audi: more models/years than expected http://www.detroitnews.com/story/business/autos/foreign/2015/11/04/volkswagen-stop-sale/75149606/ "The scandal that keeps on giving": http://uk.reuters.com/video/2015/11/04/vw-shares-sink-on-new-scandal-revelation?videoId=366188455&videoChannel=78 Fuel use understated: http://www.cnbc.com/2015/11/03/germanys-vw-new-problems-with-800000-vehicles.html Yadda, yadda, yadda ............. http://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/nov/03/vw-c02-emmission-problems-800000-vehicles
  10. Nice review of EU versions of C-Max for 2016;
  11. Add Porsche to the list, additional Audis/engine http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-vw-action-20151102-story.html http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-11-02/u-s-expands-investigation-of-volkswagen-emissions-cheating 'Golden Shares', the EU model of government ownership in industries: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-09-24/did-privilege-enable-volkswagen-s-diesel-deception-
  12. "Alt-fuel tech" http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2015/10/26/vw-diesel-alt-fuel/74633270/ "VW scandal: the winners and losers" http://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/oct/30/vw-scandal-the-winners-and-losers-from-carmakers-to-car-owners Price guarantees for dealers: http://www.autonews.com/article/20151030/RETAIL07/151039985/vw-offers-dealers-a-price-guarantee-on-used-diesel-vehicles?CSAuthResp=1%3A1573590178499434%3A423310%3A17%3A24%3Aapproved%3A5565FDC1482A2804F8F2E18D01BADAC9 Right on stevedebi ! It is about the real world when it comes to emissions & MPG’s. Real world emissions that are as low as possible (and not grossly under reported), and real world MPG’s that you & I can attain with minimal emissions. Thankfully our EPA, though fraught with problems, has responded forcefully and will impact the situation with VW here. Unfortunately the EU's comparable 'EPA' is so woefully behind/inept/compromised that it will take many years to catch up. As you noted: “If you just run around town any old way, expect 40; if you do 80 on the highway (I have), expect 36 MPG (what I got).” Yes indeed the C-Max is a 40 mpg car on average over time by average drivers. But ............. ding dang it, Why be normal/average when you can do so much better if you choose, especially in milder climates. To each his own, of course. I'm with you stevedebi (“I regularly get 44 at about 65 MPH.”, 44+ for us). My vote is for ECO Cruising, minimizing fuel use, minimizing exhaust emissions, & achieving above average MPG results. (Works better for the planet & pocket !) Last time I checked the real world was very material to our family - like breathing, Nick
  13. Drove our 2013 off the lot January 2013, and been getting 45-50 mpg's since day one. Rarely see 50-55 mpg's over significant distances, rarely see 40-45 mpg's over significant distances. Saw no significant change with any recalls. ECO Cruise the freeway 40-50 mpg all day, all year round (58-60 in 60 MPH zones, 65-68 in 70 MPH zones). They do make freeways with multiple lanes for several reasons. My wife would not know a hypermile from a hypersmile. No extra dingles or dongles, just safe driving (and yes we do have a general understanding of PE & KE management - i.e. don't use gas/battery when we don't need to). :bliss: :bliss: As I've said many times - so glad we got one of the magic ones !!! Love our C-Max (former Ford hater), Nick (Yikes, Winter MPG blues around the corner)
  14. To begin with a huge :hat_tip: to Toyota (& Ford...) for bringing us into the hybrid realm. Can't give enough kudos for their combined hybrid innovation. More good stuff here from Toyota ! Thermal efficiency, heat management .............. That said, yes it will 'grow on me'; but for now it looks like a wrinkled mess - no offense - with same old, same old poor entry & headroom ................ we shall see when it reaches the store shelves. Slippery yes, but too much loss of function & utility in that slipperiness. & as Obob says: "I am happy to lose the .05 (Cd) over a Prius for the better viability and seat position" Nick
  15. And the - 'can't do more than 42-43 mpg at 60 mph' - nonsense !!! You busted two myths in one run. :hat_tip: :hat_tip: :hat_tip: :hat_tip: :hat_tip: Way to go Paul ! WOWWWW !!!!
  16. More on the "warmup strategy" software: http://news.yahoo.com/2016-vw-diesels-software-affecting-emissions-tests-142019516--finance.html Auto industry software copyright questions: http://www.greencarreports.com/news/1100457_carmakers-lobby-to-keep-software-secret-despite-vw-emission-scandal Der Spiegel stuff: http://www.wired.com/2015/10/dozens-of-managers-were-involved-in-vws-diesel-scandal/ Vahland resigns after weeks on job: http://www.latimes.com/business/autos/la-fi-hy-volkswagen-test-cheating-resignation-20151014-story.html
  17. Great tank Marc. Yes that last/next 40-50 is the nail biter. I have not had the time lately myself to push that limit. Looks like next spring for us. Nick
  18. Australia: http://www.wsj.com/articles/australians-fear-dirty-car-influx-after-vw-scandal-1444737089 VW mixing in more electric ?: http://www.greencarreports.com/news/1100444_vw-to-focus-on-electric-plug-in-hybrid-tech-slash-spending-due-to-diesel-scandal
  19. And that is scandalous. Selling diesels for decades in full knowledge of their NOx emissions and public health risks. Just like they are finally waking up to cigarette smoke/second hand smoke ......... public places .............. decades late. More than enough knowledge to act more responsibly many years ago. And that is scandalous. Test cycles out of touch with the real world driving resulting in a market swamped with decades of polluting vehicles. More than enough knowledge to act more responsibly many years ago. Bravissimo ! And that is indeed the worst element of the scandal(s). A wealth of knowledge over time and delinquent action & inaction. Have fun, Nick (The diesel pollution we experienced in Italy a few months ago was not fun, rather debilitating actually. ;)) (The diesel pollution we experienced a couple days ago here in Ballard, WA, watching a VW Beetle round the block a couple times looking for a parking spot was also not fun - cute car, but a stinking mess, and that was from across the street ;))
  20. EPA: .......... "a second emissions-control software program in Volkswagen cars" under investigation ............. http://www.autonews.com/article/20151011/OEM11/151019998/epas-new-vw-probe-may-reveal-failure-to-disclose Texas law suit. http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2015/10/11/volkswagen-texas-attorney-general-suit/73769242/
  21. diesel test cycle/real world discrepancies "not scandal" ?!. It is seen as a scandal by many in Europe (& here), and is a major deception of the European population (if not here). (very likely population culling respiratory effects in major European urban centers where diesels are prevalent) We are overdue a diesel 'frenzy' if we all breath better air as a result. A frenzied media coverage of this scandal and related issues; & resulting deliberative (albeit messy at times) process to rectify, works for me. (point specific to VW and point specific to the larger issue of diesel emissions & diesel testing (or lack thereof)) Yes, sadly, there are always scapegoats. But, with any luck we will move 2 steps forward and only 1 step back. Glad we are finally debunking the myths of diesel and bringing the truth of NOx air pollution to the fore. Nick
  22. We always watch the light on the door mirror flash when locking (in case of noise interference) - no need for rechecking to see if it is locked. :dance: :dance: :dance: so glad we got one of those magic 2013's with the any door unlock feature - we use the back doors a lot. Nick
  23. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/07/business/international/vw-diesel-emissions-job-cuts.html?_r=0 http://www.autoblog.com/2015/10/06/west-virginia-sues-volkswagen-report/ http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/business/vw-ceo-says-recall-to-sta/2174864.html http://www.sltrib.com/home/3035132-155/with-few-dc-lobbyists-vw-braces Repeat of the larger issue in the EU: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/oct/03/pariss-first-attempt-at-car-free-day-brings-big-drop-in-air-and-noise-pollution When the scandal broke over Volkswagen’s manipulation of emissions data for diesel vehicles, the French claimed this was typical “German economic arrogance”. Amid the bout of schadenfreude, no one mentioned that France has been flouting EU air quality targets since 2005. In its report for 2014, Airparif wrote: “Despite meteorological conditions favourable to the quality of air in 2014, 2.3 million French people are still exposed to levels of pollution that do not respect the rules, particularly in the case of (lead) particles and nitrogen dioxide. Those living in the Paris region and near major roads are the most affected.” Airparif said pollutions levels were up to double those allowed by the regulations. Five pollutants posed problems in the capital: benzene, nitrogen dioxide, ozone and the fine particles PM10 and PM2.5. A report by the French Sénat, the upper house of parliament, found that air pollution costs France €101.3bn (£75bn) a year in negative health, economic and financial consequences. It said illnesses created or worsened by pollution included Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, respiratory disease and some cancers. Polluted air is also linked to foetal development problems, the report said. ............................................. The report – entitled Air Pollution: the Cost of Inaction – estimated that pollution caused up to 45,000 premature deaths in France a year, from asthma, chronic bronchitis, heart attacks, lung cancer and strokes.
  24. You nailed it HP. Lax emission standards, weak public health standards, combined with an obsession with diesels ......... Poooof goes the air quality, up goes NOx morbidity. "Ford seems to have an excellent solution to the MPG/emissions challenge with the C-Max Hybrid: robust powertrain components, in a car with European road manners and packaging, and diesel-like torque and economy. If they're smart, they'll get it to Europeans pronto." BINGO
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