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Everything posted by C-MaxSea

  1. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/07/business/international/vw-diesel-emissions-job-cuts.html?_r=0 http://www.autoblog.com/2015/10/06/west-virginia-sues-volkswagen-report/ http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/business/vw-ceo-says-recall-to-sta/2174864.html http://www.sltrib.com/home/3035132-155/with-few-dc-lobbyists-vw-braces Repeat of the larger issue in the EU: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/oct/03/pariss-first-attempt-at-car-free-day-brings-big-drop-in-air-and-noise-pollution When the scandal broke over Volkswagen’s manipulation of emissions data for diesel vehicles, the French claimed this was typical “German economic arrogance”. Amid the bout of schadenfreude, no one mentioned that France has been flouting EU air quality targets since 2005. In its report for 2014, Airparif wrote: “Despite meteorological conditions favourable to the quality of air in 2014, 2.3 million French people are still exposed to levels of pollution that do not respect the rules, particularly in the case of (lead) particles and nitrogen dioxide. Those living in the Paris region and near major roads are the most affected.” Airparif said pollutions levels were up to double those allowed by the regulations. Five pollutants posed problems in the capital: benzene, nitrogen dioxide, ozone and the fine particles PM10 and PM2.5. A report by the French Sénat, the upper house of parliament, found that air pollution costs France €101.3bn (£75bn) a year in negative health, economic and financial consequences. It said illnesses created or worsened by pollution included Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, respiratory disease and some cancers. Polluted air is also linked to foetal development problems, the report said. ............................................. The report – entitled Air Pollution: the Cost of Inaction – estimated that pollution caused up to 45,000 premature deaths in France a year, from asthma, chronic bronchitis, heart attacks, lung cancer and strokes.
  2. You nailed it HP. Lax emission standards, weak public health standards, combined with an obsession with diesels ......... Poooof goes the air quality, up goes NOx morbidity. "Ford seems to have an excellent solution to the MPG/emissions challenge with the C-Max Hybrid: robust powertrain components, in a car with European road manners and packaging, and diesel-like torque and economy. If they're smart, they'll get it to Europeans pronto." BINGO
  3. Welcome & :congrats: SCSweeney. We doubled our gas mileage from 22-23 (BMW 525) to 45+ with our C-Max (we got one of the magic ones :secret:) , could not be happier. And we more than halved our exhaust pollution in the process - everyone in our 'neighborhood' is breathing easier now !!! Enjoy your 303A, Nick
  4. Sheez, almost forgot - BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY Grouper ! :congrats: Our C-Max (Grouper) was born Aug of 2012, and we have not spent a penny on it for maintenance, well OK I spent $2 on a couple screws after I lost one changing out the pano roof sun shade. Yes we are very low miles (14k+). It does help to have a 5 year maintenance plan tossed into the deal - one oil change a year to show for it (third one coming up in the next month or so). We have left our SEL unused for over four weeks with a thumb drive in the USB port, never any battery problems. :dancing: Sure hope you get yours fixed Cowspotdog, Meagan at FordService is ready to help you on your other thread. :skateboard: Nick
  5. http://www.cnbc.com/2015/09/29/vws-diesel-deception-where-were-the-regulators.html http://www.cnbc.com/2015/09/28/richard-branson-vw-cheating-may-be-positive-news.html http://www.cnet.com/news/new-vw-ceo-says-cars-affected-by-emissions-rigging-scandal-to-be-refitted/ http://www.greencarreports.com/news/1100251_supplier-warned-vw-of-illegal-diesel-defeat-devicein-2007
  6. http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/09/28/us-volkswagen-emissions-idUSKCN0RP14U20150928 http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-09-28/volkswagen-s-cleanup-push-overseen-by-scandal-scarred-former-ceo
  7. The topic is emissions. ;) Certainly, to each his own; IMO the C-Max Passat is far better to drive and much more comfortable than the Passat our C-Max. Wacked my head several times on the 2014 Passat door frame the last time we rented one - very annoying, very uncomfortable. All opinions. That is why we wait for corrective action from VW before tooting their mpg horn. Their diesel mpg claims are all polluted distortion at this point.
  8. and controlled / controllable point pollution (mine, factory) is always 'better' IMO than dispersed (tailpipe) pollution concentrated over population centers, i.e. smog. I really, really, really don't like it down my throat, blocking the sun ........................... Nick PS: As stated above, there are 30+ years (______ million) of none BMW X3 clean diesels out there in Europe to be 'fixed' or removed - yes they will engineer their way out, a very costly 30 year process (nightmare).
  9. IMO that is apples & oranges - the Passat is spewing out noxious lung damaging fumes. I came back from Italy with bronchitis last Spring from the diesel fumes - no thanks! Paris, Naples ................. are often choked with diesel fumes. Without the urea / Nitrous Oxide recovery systems the diesels are killers - and how well do those urea systems actually work? They are facing an enormous ugly health & financial challenge to undo decades of reliance on diesel. Yes they will 'engineer' their way out, but getting thirty years worth of polluting diesels off the road - not cheap or easy. http://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/amid-vw-scandal-polluted-paris-asks-if-time-to-dump-diesel/ So glad we are into hybrids and electrics here instead of disgusting diesels, Nick (((controlled point pollution is always 'better' IMO than dispersed pollution concentrated over population centers, i.e. smog)))
  10. Good article. Clearly hybrids & EVs should benefit here in the USA, with diesel carrying only 3% of the auto market. The story will unwind much differently in the EU where 50% (?) of cars are diesels (most polluting ones); and some governments being co-owners and beneficiaries (&/or subsidizers) of those industries. An incestuous brew for better or worse. (((The 'elephant' in both 'rooms' being trucks & marine perhaps slipping under the radar ???)))
  11. http://www.foxnews.com/world/2015/09/24/german-ministers-reportedly-were-warned-vw-test-beating-software/ http://www.theguardian.com/business/live/2015/sep/24/volkswagen-scandal-vw-germany-counts-cost-of-crisis-after-ceo-quits-live-updates On the one hand: BMW under suspicion ................German government ministers aware :pimp:........................... Scape goats / 'those in charge' will be sacrificed to appease the masses ............................... On the other hand - 'No problem'. VW / diesel engines (even polluting ones) will easily weather the storm - 'darling' industries / companies are always rescued. The diesel auto & truck pollution in Europe (& here) continues unabated for now :smokin: :smokin: :smokin: - lungs and human health be ____d. ;) :shrug: :rant2: Nick
  12. Indeed, that is what is meant by "Driver". We do all agree, so how about we all ease up on the C-Max MPG conversation, and get back to the thread topic - VW diesels ! 11 million 'and counting'; additional manufacturers ?, 'stateside' vs. global ?................ Noted in article this morning that this 'defeat device' technology began 10++ years ago, and resulted in a 1 billion dollar settlement against several diesel manufacturers here in the USA.
  13. Paul is correct: Driver. Frank is correct: Nature. However, it has never been one or the other - It has always been a combination of those factors (& others) governing C-Max MPGs. Where you live matters, How you drive matters. (not to mention distances............) As Paul notes, many don't even taste the C-Max hybrid sweetness ! Happily driving safely at speed limits in temperate weather and getting 47ish mpgs, Nick (and all I hoped for / anticipated / expected to drive for was 40 mpg's)
  14. Would not surprise me at all. I was shocked by the air pollution we experienced on our last trip across the pond. My first thought was that it might be an even bigger deal there, and being 'swept under the rug' because of their love affair with diesel. That might also explain the corporate culture necessary to game our pollution control system so blatantly & callously. At this point I suspect that the EU's existing auto pollution control system is a joke. I wish the best for VW (owned four, and still swear by Eurovans), but bitterly dislike diesel exhaust. Glad they have stopped selling their diesel pollution machines until they are defanged ! Clean air uber alles, Nick
  15. 721 miles - Rockin tank there Obob - hope you have this posted on the 600 mile tank club !!!!! BTW all, ............. this is the 500 mile / best MPG thread. (Just try to resist the temptation to down hill this effort.) Counting on you WNY to crack the 600 mile club soon ! Scottwood: you have 'short tanks' - hope you get a chance to extend those out before the frost, and also join the 600 mile tank club. Cheering !! :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: Nick
  16. POOOOOOFFFF ! The VW clean diesel / high MPG myth gets busted. :redcard: :nonono: :nonono: :nonono: :spend: :spend: :spend: :spend: :spend: Have never trusted their claims, hate the bronchitis I get from diesel fumes ! Keep on C-Maxing, :number1: Nick
  17. Just to be clear, especially to newbie readers - the 62mph number is a meaningless number with regard to C-Max performance. Yes that was a top-end EV limiter for the first year, but that was programed out in July of 2013. The correct/current top-end EV limiter is 85 MPH for all C-Maxes (2013-2016) :dancing:. Ford finally corrected their data sheets a few weeks ago ;). Also to be clear/concise; Yes the Energi has EV (electric only) 'range' (22 miles+-). The Hybrid essentially does not have 'range'; as PG3 notes, it cycles back & forth between EV mode (electric) and ICE mode (internal combustion engine). For us it cycles roughly 50/50 in our topography of hills and using ECO Cruise control. On flat terrain (& higher speeds) the ICE & EV system often operate in tandem together (not often for us). Cary; If your choice is based heavily on your 21 mile commute, the Energy is a fantastic choice, especially if your work location has a charging station. The Hybrid is a great choice if boot space is critical, and/or your primary purpose is longer distance trips. Finally, both get great MPGs if you drive below 70 mph. We have no problem getting great MPGs between 58 and 68 mphs, fair weather freeway driving. Plenty of power, super ride & handling, love the pano roof. Happy shopping ! Nick 2014_CMAXHybrid_Specs.pdf
  18. Phew, safe & sound. Hope the wounds heal up quick! Nick
  19. Agreed Tomat12447 - lots of comment on that unfortunate flaw here. Still the best fit out there. We are very satisfied with them overall. http://fordcmaxhybridforum.com/topic/1009-weathertech-digital-fit-mats/
  20. Welcome & :congrats: Mike & Lynn, thanks for sharing your story. The C-Max is a 'magical' ride - sadly, experienced by few. Nick
  21. What's an AARP ? I'm guessing 48. Nineteen sixty two was a good year wasn't it ? :headspin: :headspin: :headspin:
  22. "straghtforward & earnest" - Hah "elemntary school" "design" - No thanks "less is more" - Nonsense As we all know, there will be a plethera of upgrades to infotainment systems over the next ten years (making it easier to drive off the road, save for all the new driver assist systems, paralleling this in development); and we are 'locked in' to our MFTs - a great full featured basic, intuitive, integrated sysyem worthy of a long ride into the sunset. Glad we got the 'old reliable' color coded, four quadrant 'smart' one !!! just MHO, nick
  23. Congratz & welcome NorthMax ! (I am always a little jealous of those beautiful Ruby Reds) Great MPG's for the north country ! Couldn't agree more on that.......... and with low miles, we are free of noises in ours - as opposed to our VW Eurovan that is a chorus of chirps, although still very much enjoyed none the less. Nick
  24. Great numbers Bterhune, but keep in mind that this is the Hybrid forum as opposed to the Plug-In Hybrid. Keep up the good numbers in your Energi !!! (We here can't dream of those numbers, but for short periods descending mountain passes.)
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