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Everything posted by ArizonaEnergi

  1. This might be a good idea if your car is parked outside. I have been seeing these stories for some time but never saw how it was happening until now. A cheap device amplifies the car's signal to/from the fob and unlocks the car. This article is about a Prius but I would not be surprised if it applies to all cars that use this technology. http://jalopnik.com/thieving-teens-likely-used-17-gadget-to-break-into-ny-1698036188?utm_source=recirculation&utm_medium=recirculation&utm_campaign=wednesdayPM
  2. I got mine at Amazon: $14.79 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008PJDOSS/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  3. Since I'm planning on using the OBD more now that I have a smart phone, I added a switch to it today. While I believe the battery draw is low, we don't drive every day so I preferred to not take a chance on a dead battery.
  4. The general consensus is that it is not wise to buy an extended warranty. I know the three I bought in my younger days were never used, so I learned this lesson the expensive way. On going thread on this at Bogleheads: https://www.bogleheads.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=163165
  5. It shows in 0.1 increments and offhand I don't know where that is set.
  6. I get confused by those column headings too. Here's a screen shot of the edit screen for one of the tire pressure settings. I have all four tire pressure readings plus the oil life working, along with others. This might help you see where the various factors go.
  7. Go to the Energi forum to learn all about this advanced car. As best we can determine from forum participants, very few have had 12v battery discharge problem, and most were SE owners. 70k is a lot so somebody got some good out of it - and you likely will too.
  8. I test the warning honk today using the passenger door. Had the car running and exited with the fob via the passenger door. Honked twice upon closing it.
  9. Did your car honk at you when you got out and shut the door? Mine does.
  10. Okay, I broke down and went out and did a test. Apparently having the Remote Start A/C setting on "Auto" can cause that to shutdown even though the remote start feature is still activated. Having it on "Last Setting" will have it start and continue to run like it was when shut down. We never use Auto so have not had its settings at what would keep the A/C running after starting for a few minutes - apparently. I will never own another car without Remote Start. Love it when its 110F and the car has been baking in the sun for an hour at Costco.
  11. You know, in doing a search I saw that and then ignored it! Good idea.
  12. Now that the temperature is rising I've started using remote start again to pre-cool the car. Several times it shut off after opening a front door. This is not how I recall it working last year, but may have forgotten. I find nothing in the manual on this behavior. So, should it keep running for the set minutes regardless of opening doors and entering the car, or is there something we're doing that is triggering the shut-down? I have not pressed the brake pedal or pushed the on/off button when this happens.
  13. Ford says its zero -- as in not approved for towing. I would not hesitate to tow a small utility trailer carrying a 100-200# load, but that's just me. The hitch is certainly sturdy enough.
  14. Odds are you will never need it - hence a waste of money. Full disclosure: I have bought three extended warranties over the years and never used one so learned the economics/probability issue the expensive way.
  15. Have you checked out the $265 Torklift which is what most people, like me, buy for their C-Max? http://torkliftcentral.com/2012-2015-ford-c-max-ecohitch
  16. That's what I concluded from some minor poking and prodding. I will try the tape and paper method one of these days. Thanks..
  17. Did you paint those in-place or somehow pop them out?
  18. That turned out really well. Have you posted a thread on how you did this? I hate the reflections I get as it makes viewing the outside mirror contents very difficult sometimes.
  19. About 30% higher it looks like these days. So a 50 mpg diesel is really getting about 38 mpg when comparing to a regular gasoline car.
  20. I changed the cabin filter today at 22 months and 11,000 miles and glad I did as you can see. I followed Plus 3 Golfer's advice above and it was a relatively easy 10 minute job with a minimum of contortion. My old filter included the effects of a 30 minute dust storm in NM - the kind where you have to pull off the road to survive. I think I will change these once a year. I bought a Motorcraft FP-70 at Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008PJDOSS/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Here's the flexible fuse box cover after pulling the two caps off. The torx screw is here and secures the filter cover. Squeezing the two tabs about 2" up from the bottom and pulling removes it. Here's the two covers. Here's what the filter looks like. Note the foam toward the front and where the two tabs are located. Bending it on the top and bottom gets it started and it slides out. Here's a comparison and no, that's not a charcoal filter! Here it is with the sun behind it.
  21. I'm not surprised that the MFT system that's been around since what, 2007?, is being upgraded. Good for Ford. Mine works just fine and I like it very much. I say 870 and the radio turns to my station. GPS is excellent. My phone syncs up and makes calls really easy. I can start the car from my cell phone. All in all its a real pleasure to own and drive one of the most advanced cars on the planet. However I noticed Acer updated their touchpad and I sure think they should send me the better one! My laptop is just a year old!
  22. Used Rockauto to get the cabin air filter part numbers for an Amazon order and found these: PENTIUS Part # PHB6174 $9.45 MOTORCRAFT Part # FP70 $11.60 ($14.87 at Amazon) WIX Part # 24419 $14.79
  23. Which is exactly what I said: "stopping puts stress on the brakes and the transmission does heat up from the effort (most require supplemental radiators for towing), something the C-Max is not equipped to deal with. He should rent a pick-up or other vehicle to tow his trailer IMHO. "
  24. I missed that statement in the recall letter but it probably wouldn't have changed our service as it was time for an oil change and there were two other recall items to be taken care of. But knowing that would have prevented the surprise over them not having the part. BTW, the re-programming reset my "frequent destinations" locations. Going to do the 12 on-off dance in the garage for the one that matters.
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