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Everything posted by ArizonaEnergi

  1. Yep, that's the signature of a bad GPS Module. Get it replaced.
  2. Either wait for Ford (the press release is encouraging) or go the post #41 route.
  3. Looks like Ford is finally going to release 3.8 for everyone! http://www.cnet.com/news/ford-sync-car-owners-to-get-apples-siri-eyes-free/
  4. That is the same sim card I have and update I had. I don't think either have anything to do with the error you are seeing since they have worked for several years for you.
  5. My GPS remains rock solid accurate after all updates including self-installing MFM 3.8. That error sounds like a GPS module failure. Perhaps a reboot will fix it. (I don't recall how to do that.) If that doesn't work I would take it in for a warranty fix which may require replacing the module.
  6. I supplied my VIN and didn't get a PM from Ford. Too late now, as I did it myself, but would be good to know they are actually addressing this issue for the future, rather than just ignoring it with nary a comment on the MFT website, like "Your C-Max is not eligible for 3.8 due to hardware changes made after yours was manufactured. We're sorry to have mislead you to think your software would be update periodically for the life of your car."
  7. I have an appointment to do the Emission Recall 15E03 and the Restraints Control Module Replacement 14S21 next week. SA said they finally have the module in stock. I think it was about 9 months ago that I first went in for the 14S21 work and he said they had to order it. He never called to say "the one with your name on it has come in", but that's okay.
  8. Didn't "Build 2" start in about August 2013? That may be why yours is missing this function. Mine built Jan 2013 has the rear door sensors.
  9. Is this now an electric/hybrid car requirement? Glad my 2013 doesn't have it. There must be a fuse.
  10. Above post seems like an ad. I paid $99 for mine at Harbor Freight.
  11. I bought an all-aluminum one at Harbor Freight and used it when we bought a big garbage bin....
  12. I appreciate the moderators removing political propaganda of any viewpoint from this site.
  13. The way this was worded suggests no more C-Max. "Ford Motor Co. said a Michigan factory that assembles its small Ford Focus and C-Max wagon will end production of those vehicles in 2018 in a new setback to efforts to create a market for small cars made in the U.S. Production of the Focus will be moved outside the U.S."
  14. Have you explored your state's Lemon Law? It will likely override Ford's opinion on a repurchase. I'm afraid we're all early adopters of this evolving technology and a few must pay a heavy price. Hope you have a satisfactory resolution.
  15. We discovered our first door ding yesterday and its a good one with metal showing. Grrrrrr. Anyway, where is the best source to get some touch-up paint? Dealer? Amazon? Acme Touch-Up Paint?
  16. My 2013 unlocks when I grab the rear door handles. I don't understand why they would change that functionality unless it was to save a few dollars on rear doors sensors.
  17. That may be due to a bad GPS Module. See my YouTube video (nearly 9,000 views - wish I had monetized it!) on this:
  18. i don't have any other ideas for the OP but am hopeful someday all cars will have a better solution, like Android Auto: http://www.wsj.com/articles/android-auto-review-the-smartphone-finally-finds-its-rightful-home-in-the-car-1432641601
  19. How does it demonstrate its confusion?
  20. Have they finally, after three years, found the solution to THE problem?
  21. The 12 volt battery is charged from the HV battery, no need to run the ICE. But only driving 20 minutes isn't going to charge it much if it had been discharged by fiddling with the lights. Don't know how you killed the battery though because if you left it running it should have been charging the 12v until it shut down automatically. A double honk means you left it running and have the fob outside the car. Many of us on the Energi forum have bought DC meters that plug into the lighter socket and can be used to check charging voltage and turned off voltage.
  22. Save you money and rely on the standard warranties to cover things that break early and self-insure for the future unknowns. This is what Consumer Reports recommends and what most buyers do.
  23. You might want to post that question on the Energi forum. But what you are seeing is just the estimated range for your next trip based on your last trip, as adjusted for the impact of any accessories you might have running like the A/C, headlights, etc.. It is not the level of charge, which will always be 100% if you allowed it to finish. http://fordcmaxenergiforum.com Thead on this topic: http://fordcmaxenergiforum.com/topic/1858-my-energi-not-charging-properly/?hl=%2Bestimated+%2Brange&do=findComment&comment=13711
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