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Everything posted by obob

  1. Ebay has quite a few of them. (be sure to get one for the 2013 for the newer ones (2017) are a little different. https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=c-max+oem+rim&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.Xc-max+oem+rim+2013.TRS0&_nkw=c-max+oem+rim+2013&_sacat=0 The two below are used with some scraps and/or nicks and come with the TPMS. The listing has a "Make Offer" button so may be able to get them somewhat cheaper than 140-150 (I would try to get one for $100 though my experience with offers on ebay isn't that extensive. ) https://www.ebay.com/itm/Ford-C-Max-2013-2015-Used-OEM-wheel-17x7-stock-factory-17-rim-TPMS-13-14-15/192490614535?hash=item2cd155af07:g:muAAAOSwwBNatWmu&vxp=mtr https://www.ebay.com/itm/Ford-C-Max-2013-2015-Used-OEM-wheel-17x7-stock-factory-17-rim-TPMS-13-14-15/202269768758?hash=item2f1837bc36:g:CfYAAOSwSLtatWsI&vxp=mtr
  2. Never knew about this. Is it worth doing ? https://owner.ford.com/how-tos/sync-technology/sync/vehicle-health/how-to-run-a-vehicle-health-report-with-sync.html
  3. How did it wear out ? Noise, was the wear even across the tire ? What tire pressure do you set them at ? And just for completeness, what is your lifetime braking score ?
  4. Though I think they might have added another trip meter that can be used as the Lifetime summary. And the 2013 lifetime summary can be reset like a trip meter.
  5. I mentioned this to a friend who is a Ford stockholder. His response implied SUVs and Trucks may already provide close to 90% of the profits.
  6. I don't know if you already bought the car but I would look for a 2014 or later for the probability of a transmission problem is less. Lots of other posts on this. But if you already bought it, there are a lot of people enjoying their 2013s.
  7. I didn't realize the magnitude of this trend. "As we have said, by 2020 trucks and utilities – including their electrified versions -- are going to be almost 90 percent of our volume," a Ford spokesperson told CNBC. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/04/04/gm-will-kill-the-chevrolet-sonic-wsj-reports-citing-sources.html
  8. If a transmission were a $200 replacement Ford may have replaced it, but with such an expensive cost to replace Ford goes into a different mode. Ford has been pretty tight lipped about why the bearings have gone bad. And apparently there was a modification in 2015 in addition to the modification in 2013 which would to me seem like they figured out where the stress on the bearing was coming from which I would call a design problem(rather than just use a stronger bearing). They tested the transmission under test conditions but in real world conditions it failed. The way I see it they did not account for something. Maybe the design logic for a regular automatic transmission or for the first version of the hybrid transmission didn't transfer perfectly to the C-Max hybrid transmission. With three motors there seems to be a lot of potential vibration and stress to keep under control under various driving permutations which makes thorough testing have a lot to cover.
  9. Welcome coop. Others have had related issues. This might be some interesting reading. https://www.google.com/search?safe=off&ei=wDfBWrzLJo3-sAXIh7yQCw&q=fordcmaxhybridforum.com+blower+mouse&oq=fordcmaxhybridforum.com+blower+mouse&gs_l=psy-ab.3...86107.86708.0.87344. This post might be useful - it seemed insightful to me. http://fordcmaxhybridforum.com/topic/5057-dead-mouse-smell/?p=56638
  10. http://forscan.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=4261 As I recall, Plus 2 Golfer has posted doing it or that it is possible.
  11. if you want to do some reading --> https://www.google.com/search?q=fordcmaxhybridforum.com+trailer+hitch&oq=fordcmaxhybridforum.com+trailer+hitch&aqs=chrome..69i57.7975j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 https://www.google.com/search?safe=off&ei=Iqq-WpbQHIWWtQWcrYHYBw&q=fordcmaxenergiforum.com+trailer+hitch&oq=fordcmaxenergiforum.com+trailer+hitch&gs_l=psy-ab.3...15535.19678.0.20989.
  12. It seems to me that the downside to replacing a 12V battery that might not need to be replaced is pretty small in a 2013 that has never had the battery replaced since they all seem to be approaching end of life.
  13. I don't think problems with the integrity of dealers' service managers is just a Ford problem. I have paid extra money and have traveled further to get work done on my c-max just to avoid my dealer. ( like inspections and tire work ) I really dislike being lied to. Though some dealers are better than others, and even within a particular dealer there may be people that are not paid by commission that want to control the service managers. I have had bad experiences with Toyota dealers that have cost me money.
  14. I don't think problems with the integrity of dealers' service managers is just a Ford problem. I have paid extra money to get work done on my c-max just to avoid my dealer. ( like inspections and tire work ) I really dislike being lied to. Though some dealers are better than others, and even within a particular dealer there may be people that are not paid by commission that want to control the service managers. I have had bad experiences with Toyota dealers that have cost me money. (NOTE: I copied this post to this thread which seems like a more appropriate spot for it.) http://fordcmaxhybridforum.com/topic/7103-good-bye-ford-c-max/
  15. Welcome lindseyedwards_94 Problems on the 2013 transmissions are pretty common and I would say is the one severe problem with the 2013s. https://www.google.com/search?q=fordcmaxhybridforum.com+transmission&oq=fordcmaxhybridforum.com+transmission&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i65.8614j0j4&client=ubuntu&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Though I haven't read much about overheating or slipping so your problem may be something different and may be reaching a critical point. In the past most transmission were fixed by replacing the trans which is expensive, but I have read some things on this forum about another way to fix it without a complete replacement which is less expensive.
  16. As I recall, that update was put out a long time ago. It probably has a lot more to it than just the 85 mph. If its the one I think it is, after that update the regeneration was noisier/probably doing more regen. And I vaguely recall a message from Jus-a-cmax that after the update his mileage went down for the split mode on the highway did not get as high mileage. (Jus-a-cmax was a trailblazer for many people here to get better mileage and understand the C-Max.) It still might be worth getting because I think there are other important things in there and the later versions. I too am surprised it is not free. That might be worth contacting Ford who may pay some of it. My understandings is when an update is done and Ford pays the bill which I can see that I sign and gets the dealer like $49 which is way less that what the dealer would charge the customer. (at least for one of my updates)
  17. This rings true for me. There are other messages with pictures on how the rear rotors can appear with ridges but that is not a problem. My car had them after a few thousand miles. I suspect it has to with the high percentage of 5 to 0 mph brakings. And as I recall someone mentioned that if the rear rotors get rusty using the emergency brake to stop can clear that up. ( or using the brakes while in neutral will wear on all four rotors, bypassing regenerative braking. )
  18. https://www.ebay.com/itm/1-NEW-Nokian-WRG3-225-50R17XL-98V-BSW/222019432447?fits=Section+Width%3A225%7CAspect+Ratio%3A50%7CRim+Diameter%3A17&epid=1583633678&hash=item33b163afff:g:UPAAAOSwEUdaVOC8:sc:ShippingMethodStandard!19008!US!-1&vxp=mtr https://www.ebay.com/itm/225-50R17-Toyo-Celsius-98V-Tire/292483365003?fits=Section+Width%3A225%7CAspect+Ratio%3A50%7CRim+Diameter%3A17&epid=621836819&hash=item44195df88b:g:BRQAAOSwLwZaqVaX&vxp=mtr
  19. obob

    Fuel type

    So this is the third time you started this thread. What's up with that ? http://fordcmaxhybridforum.com/topic/7078-fuel-type/ http://fordcmaxhybridforum.com/topic/7031-fuel-type/ If you are having trouble finding the threads you started, from the main fordcmaxhybridforum.com page click on "new content" If you don't see the newest thread check two settings on the left near the top. On that page on my setup I have set (look on the left) "Forums" and "Past Month" (they get highlighted in a color like maroon)
  20. Hi Istheman. Welcome to the forum. 1. Rear tire cupping - kind of agree. Ford may have just used the focus suspension and didn't account for the heavier battery so they don't need all that negative camber. Ford mostly did not take responsibility. However Toyota didn't take responsibility for my 99 Sienna's bad trans and my sister Sienna's bad automatic doors. 2. Brakes at 10K - strongly disagree. Most people on this forum haven't had to do anything with the brakes. Getting good mileage and minimal brakes wear go hand in hand. 3. The dead battery problems are largely in the past. They did have a problem and they took responsibility for it. I have had 4 dead battery events and none since the last software update which was a while ago. Mostly SE models. 4. Transmission - they are taking responsibility for 100K miles or some amount of years (maybe 7 or 8). So if you had mention that one I would have agreed. But that is worst for 2013 better for 2014 and 2015, and pretty much fixed 2016+ 5. The sound system is fixed in 2016 - They pretty much had an unfixable problem that they tried to minimize. Having a software background I pretty much do not attempt to have the sound system be a good trusted friend. Keep a good distance. Part of the problem is it is a first model year car. One thing I will let you know a lot of people on this site are in the same 2013 boat. The approach has been to try to stay positive for it isn't like you can return the car. And there are some really nice things about the car. Comfort for tall people, peppiness with good mileage, Big car feel with small car ease of driving, room to fit big things, good handling, great forum that has helped me a lot and taught me a lot. The extended warranty has been recommended a lot. So I kind of understanding your frustration. And maybe your are right, maybe somebody should be more strongly steering people away from 2013s. People generally state the situation and let the person decide, including suggesting later models, but with an aggressive salesperson, maybe that is not enough. Maybe they are impressed with getting such a loaded model. A 2013 can be a good deal at the right price (especially if the trans has been replaced.)
  21. http://fordcmaxhybridforum.com/topic/7031-fuel-type/
  22. Here are some ideas - don't know the answer myself there is also an energi forum: fordcmaxenergiforum.com https://www.google.com/search?q=fordcmaxenergiforum.com+yellow+wrench&oq=fordcmaxenergiforum.com+yellow+wrench&aqs=chrome..69i57.8046j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 https://www.google.com/search?q=fordcmaxenergiforum.com+red+triangle&oq=fordcmaxenergiforum.com+red+triangle&aqs=chrome..69i57.11462j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 https://www.google.com/search?safe=off&ei=U8CkWqPDFceYtgX9jYWwCg&q=fordcmaxhybridforum.com+yellow+wrench&oq=fordcmaxhybridforum.com+yellow+wrench&gs_l=psy-ab.3...179914.180891.0.183399. https://www.google.com/search?safe=off&ei=fMCkWo-nO8iMsQXO5IyoBA&q=fordcmaxhybridforum.com+red+triangle&oq=fordcmaxhybridforum.com+red+triangle&gs_l=psy-ab.3...154538.155941.0.157670.
  23. Heads up on heavy snow and the rear wiper. 7 inches of heavy snow. Not sure if it was from me sliding snow off the roof or just a build up of the snow weighing down on the rear wiper but the wiper instead of being horizontal was vertical pointing down. There was a pretty strong spring still holding it on. I was able to pull the wiper out enough to return it into position without it coming apart and it seems to work fine.
  24. A button would have saved Ford a lot of towing fees but not the cost of the batteries when the battery was an issue and before they fixed it so battery would not discharge below an unsafe charge. And it would have had less damage to their reputation. And it seems like the right thing to do. I think it is a great idea. On the other hand, they may sell more batteries without the button and answer less questions. My sense is car manufacturers know that for some types of cars, generally the less geeky a car and the sexier it is, the more it sells. I wonder what Kia calls that button. Maybe the "Jump Start Button." I wonder if that button is mechanical or something that is powered by a capacitor or separate long life battery. Discussing uses for the high voltage battery, and with the trend of cars becoming so smart, perhaps there could be a taser button that locates and handles carjackers. [ Though the liability of zapping the wrong people would be way to high. ] ( there's more - search for trunk monkey)
  25. UPDATE: Sorry. I didn't read the post well. I didn't realize you put new tires on so my "cupping" reaction was wrong. Links about cupping on C-Max. https://www.google.com/search?q=fordcmaxhybridforum.com+cupping&oq=fordcmaxhybridforum.com+cupping&aqs=chrome..69i57.21506j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
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