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Everything posted by ptjones

  1. If you have a ScanGaugeII or some other OBDII gauge system you can monitor the Trans Fluid temp(TFT) and you will see it go up when you are losing fluid. Paul
  2. If I remember right it doesn't through a code until 400*F. :sad: I'm wondering about tightening the mounting bolts. Oil would be thinner when heated up. Paul
  3. Where was it leaking out of SnowStorm? I'm guessing the Trans is original. How many miles? Paul
  4. Their just a map update and they are different than #9's, I see local changes on my #10. :) Paul
  5. They don't look any different than the one's from FORD. :headscratch: Paul
  6. 2019 RAV4 ECO numbers are estimates which are close to CMAX EPA #'s They don't say anything about AWD#s. Local Dealer says they are going to be available sometime next month. Link: https://www.toyota.com/upcoming-vehicles/rav4hybrid/?srchid=sem:Model_RAV4_Hybrid:GOOGLE:RAV4_Hybrid_General_New_E::&gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=Cj0KCQiA5NPjBRDDARIsAM9X1GLUeccn_IJzpHGOBQtbg9nLu5SxbznaIH0omDyqOKpKQfZQbL_ZOYQaAjGmEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  7. I haven't found cell phones that reliable determining routes as apposed to in car or portable GPS's and have seen them all pick different routes. :headscratch: :shrug: I would think cell phones should have the most current info, but do really crazy directions. :sad: Paul
  8. Just ordered a A10 NAV Card on ebay for $59.99 and give my Wife my A9 NAV Card. She has a A7 NAV Card in her Explorer. :) Paul
  9. What does the dealership say? Maybe the 12v batt. isn't making good contact at one of the cables. :headscratch: Paul
  10. I do have 215k miles on mine and the only problem I see is it seems is it takes a few seconds longer for the power steering to come on. :headscratch: Paul
  11. Sorry to hear about your problems. :sad: How many miles are on the car? Paul
  12. I wonder what a new one would cost. :headscratch: Just looked at the Service Manual and it is a big job. :sad: Paul
  13. ptjones

    Hey There

    Here is a thread on How to improve your gas mileage: http://fordcmaxhybridforum.com/topic/6568-how-to-drive-a-cmax-hybridffh-to-get-great-gas-mileage/page-1:) Paul
  14. You can talk to your FORD Dealer and also shop around to non FORD warranties. There are some threads on this site that talk about Warranties that you can use search above to find them. I went from 100k to 130k miles for $2300 because I knew my trans was going to fail because trans temps were increasing with miles driven. I think I was at 95k miles when I extended the warranty and of course it failed at 98k miles. I did have the piece of mind that it would be covered. It's about $6-7k to replace with new trans. Paul
  15. I would still use some good fuel injector cleaner, it's cheap and may solve the problem long term. IMO :) Paul
  16. I would use some good fuel injector cleaner to start with and see how that goes. If use still have problems go to the Dealer and have them fix it. Not sure if it is covered unless you have a extended warranty. Paul
  17. How many miles do you have on your CMAX? I extended my warrant out to about 130k miles. Paul
  18. Here's from Service Manual. Hope it helps. :) Paul
  19. I didn't empty the trans, It didn't accrue to me for the need to do it. :headscratch: Paul
  20. I have pulled and replaced my right hand axle and the fluid doesn't leak out. :) Paul
  21. I believe they with 117k miles on my replacement trans. :) Paul
  22. Did you have the alignment checked? I do cross rotate my tires to get 80k+ miles on them and cut down on the noise issue. :) Paul
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