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Everything posted by JohnnOhio

  1. I like that. My Pontiac had the cabin air filter under the panel under the wipers. You had to change it from the outside.
  2. Being a Mac Fan I loved this post. :salute: Thanks for the laughs
  3. OH!!!! YEA!!!!!!!! I know your excited. Enjoy your baby. I'll be heading for Harrisonburg this summer. I'll keep an eye out for a snowstorm. :rockon:
  4. ICE all the way. I have one hill .1 mile or so that I can coast on EV. In the city at the exits there are hills down under the roadways that I manage to EV for a few seconds then back to ICE to climb up the other sides. I have only used cruise once just to check and see if it works. I can keep my speed steady with my foot without thinking. Would use cruise on long trips though. The other day there was a bad accident on the freeway that closed it down. I took the side streets and back roads all the way home. It was about 10 miles farther and used .7 gals of gas, the same as if I would have taken the freeway. Got to love hybrids. I use 1.4 gals per work day, I used 1.5 gals to mow my grass last weekend. How do you like that, I use less gas to drive 70 miles on the freeway than to mow for 1 hour on my lawntractor. I'm not even counting the push mower or weedeater gas. Got to start making feul effient mowers.
  5. I must need glasses. I COULD SWEAR MY TRIP SCREEN SAYS 47.8 MPG AND MY LIFETIME SAYS 43.5MPG. I'll have to check and see where it says 38.5 mpg on my baby.
  6. Hello everyone Just keeping you updated on my SEL 302A package experience. I've had my C Max a month and a half just turned over 2,000 miles on the odometer today (530 EV miles :) ) on my 4th tank of gas. I have had no problems so far (knock on wood). EV+ has figured out my home and work. I drive 70 miles round trip to work daily and avergage 47 mpg now. Not bad considering 85% are freeway miles at 65.(46.5 - 47.8 depending on temp) Lifetime agverage is up to 43.5. Not bad considering break in and it's been below freezing around here for half the time I've had the car. Well that's about it. Keeping my fingers crossed that I don't start having that batteery problem. I keep a jumper battery with me just in case. I've only used it twice to start my lawnmowers. lol
  7. Lumbar on pass seat Wider arm rests Make the cheeks and eyebrows around the touch screen a little less pronounced (easier to get your fingers into) LED headlights Reclining rear seats
  8. I ordered mine to. They had mine in the service dept. so that nobody could mess with it until I came in to pick it up. Checked for keys and the cupholder divider and everything was there on delivery and 7 miles on the odometer. I would be getting on someone case if they had switched my car for another one.
  9. Decided to drive my truck today. What's wrong I touched the door handle and it did'nt unlock. :headscratch: oh yea KEYS Where is the button to start the truck? Oh thats right KEYS AGAIN. Where is the gear shift. Oh yea on the the stearing wheel. Sit with my knees in my chest driving down the road. I love how high I sit with perfect posture in my C Max .Not very confortabe in the truck. I sit on the floor Parked and left half the bed in the parking spot behind me. Had to start back up and pull forward. Pulse and glide doesnt work? Used over twice the amout of gas. YUCK!!! :rant: I see I'm going to miss MAXIE real bad if I have to take her in for service sometime.
  10. Was in Deleware, Ohio this morning for a dr. appointment. On my way to work I passed a Ruby Red C Max on the street going the other way. Got on the highway heading out of town and just ahead of me was a Blue Candy SEL. I passed him and we gave each other a thumbs up. :rockon:
  11. I think I can answer some of these. I have a SEL w 302A package winter package. My Key is the thob you get with intellegent access and push button start. You can program one of you thobs as a my key to limit radio volume, speed driven, ect... Good for your teenage drivers Winter package has heat seats, mirrors, and rubber mats and a cargo mat.(you'll still get your carpeted mats also) Sync is part of the radio it links your cell phone to the system. You can make and recieve calls through the radio speakers without touching your phone. You can play your music you have stored on your phone. You can send vehicel health reports to ford. My ford touch is just what they call the 8 inch touch screen system to access radio, climate, navigation, Sirius is activated when you get the car and will reequire a service activation after the trial runs out in 6 months.( you don't have to keep it if yoout don't want) Hope I was able to help
  12. Just noticed that gas went up 30 cents over night here in Ohio. It was 3.32 yesterday and is 3.65 now. Someone must have farted in a oil refinery last night so they had to raise the price. Sure glad everyone here has a C Max. It makes this crap a little easier to deal with.
  13. May have designed it that way if you want to use the cup holder area for storage like for a cellphone. There is a notch under the console top for the charge cord to pass through with it closed.
  14. Doesn't the rear sensors beep if someone is behind you?
  15. Can't wait until this cold weather goes away. It was 85 degrees Thursday, 72 and rain yesterday morning, wind and 45 degrees in the afternoon. Today partly sunny 28 degrees with wind ,sleet ,freezing rain, and lake effect snow showers. That' one thing about Ohio,If you don't like the weather wait a minute it'll change. Looks like it's going to be one of those winter strait into summer with no moderate spring temps this year. Am I ever going to get those big mpg's everyone else is getting? Not around here in the great white north
  16. Hey there jmckinley I have only had my car 1 month now (1700 miles on her). In the cold days and 1st couple of weeks of break in I averaged 38 mpg (33.6 miles on I-71south to downtown Columbus). As soon as temps rose to the 50's I managed 47.2 for the trip and it has stayed in the general area ever since. 45.6 this morning in the pouring rain and high winds with lights, wippers, and radio going. Haven't used cruise control yet just drive it. Short trips 10 miles I have gotten as high as 58mpg.
  17. Gave a friend at work a ride to his car one evening and he couldn't believe we were driving down the street with no engine noise. :headscratch:
  18. Had someone stop me in a parking lot to ask about my baby. Just had to show him the trip screen. 33.6 miles, 7.4 EV miles, 47.6 MPG, .7 gal of gas used. It made him a believer.
  19. 110 plug should run most electronics no problem. Don't plug in large stuff such as vacume cleaners. They will over heat the inverter and power off util the invert cools down and it will start working agian.
  20. Congrats !!!!! Took me a month of driving and now hit 47+ everyday. Keep up the good work.
  21. I pulse and glide a little different. I accelerate to the speed limit say 35. Then I let off and allow the EV mode to kick in. Then I use just enough EV power to maintain my speed. I average 47+ mpg.
  22. I hear you. Ohio has a repubican governor and he was talking at one time about putting a tax on people that commute 20 miles or more to work. It didn't go anywhere, thank god , because it would have affected me (35 miles one way). They keep touting clean energy to boost the economy and now Virginia is shooting it down. They might as well get used to it, hybrids are the future of the auto industry. How else will they get the fuel milage the federal government want to have by 2025.
  23. Mine only has my house as a location so far. I've been driving to work for almost as long and no EV+ yet. I'll try the 11 on off cycles method before I leave today. Thanks for the tip. I knew I saw somewhere that you could speed things up, but couldn't remember how.
  24. I'll just start riding my horses everywhere and get a Amish buggy for the winter
  25. Expect to get less mpg's on the trip. Oh well. better than my other car 22mpg.
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